Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: SQPlus_dup1 A sad, sad day... - 10/15/03 05:16 AM
September 17th approximately 3:45 p.m.
The location, 35th and Colorado Blvd.
The reason, my 'tour finally met its match
The 'match', a 97 white chevy suburban driven by a middle aged woman with a now apparent lack of depth perception.
She thought she could clear the intersection, she was wrong, and at the expense of my 'tour I proved her wrong.

Thats right, its gone. I was north bound, she was south bound, she decided to make a left turn across traffic and I T-boned her at about 35 mph. Needless to say my tour is toast, the front end is totally destroyed the windshield cracked when the airbags blew, etc, etc.

Now that my hand has been reattached I can finally post to everyone the unfortunate news. Email me if anybody wants pics. As of right now I still don't know how much my insurance is going to give me for my car. Thats right, I said MY insurance...why my insurance, you ask? Guess, thats right...the lady in the suburban doesn't have any!!

Anyway, I managed to gut most of my mods aesthetic and stereo related. Unfortunately many things had to be left behind. So, what I do have left is up for sale if anybody wants it. I'll have to email parts to whoever is interested, I want to give all of you local guys first dibs on my stuff.



p.s. NO I didn't really have to get my hand reattached! I was fine, take care all, there are some crazies out there!!!

Posted By: Hunt Re: A sad, sad day... - 10/15/03 07:06 AM
what car did you have?? if was post 98, with powered mirrors i would be interested in the passanger side mirror.. if is good can you send a pic to

Posted By: Derk-xB Re: A sad, sad day... - 10/16/03 12:27 AM
Sorry to hear about this, Brad. I'm glad your hand didn't have to be re-attached... Sucks that the person at fault didn't have insurance, too. Don't worry, though, it'll come back to her. Your responsibility (i.e. HAVING insurance) will reward you someday as well.
What's in store for the future? German or Japanese car?
Posted By: SQPlus_dup1 Re: A sad, sad day... - 10/16/03 03:32 AM
Thanks Derek, German most likely.
Posted By: fast80svt_dup1 Re: A sad, sad day... - 10/16/03 04:12 AM
Man . . . hadn't heard from you for quite a while around here. Sucks that it has to be bad news in your latest post. Seems like a bunch of us old guys are biting the dust. Alex, Chad, you. I feel like an old man. At least you are ok. That's what really matters after an accident. Metal can always be replaced. When you have a chance, email some pics and your list of stuff. I'll take a look.

Posted By: Dr Dionysus Esq. Re: A sad, sad day... - 10/16/03 07:18 AM
Brad! I'm sorry to hear about your accident. Glad you're ok bud. You put so much time and effort into that car... definately won't get your money's worth out of it. Sue the dumb b!+ch for everything she's got. No need for you to pay for her stupidity.

Did you happen to save any of your suspension mods (sway bar, strut brace, konis, eibachs) or your big front discs? Let me know.
Posted By: svtsoboss Re: A sad, sad day... - 10/16/03 12:57 PM
Are you going to part it out.. lol no god thats too bad.. so you going to look for another...
Posted By: SQPlus_dup1 Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/05/03 07:07 AM

After all is said and done I'm probably going to end up with about $1300 to buy a car with. How pathetic is that?! I found this out almost two weeks ago and I still don't have a check from insurance yet.

On the lighter side I'm a manager at Soundtrack now so if anybody needs a hookup on something...don't ask me! Tait I'm going to PM you my parts list. Not much of it would help you unless you want more stereo crap.


Posted By: Derk-xB Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/06/03 01:21 AM
$1300? That's a slap in the face if I've ever seen one. Do they include a free kick in the genitalia with that $1300 check? Sorry... ...just seems like they're giving you the short end of the stick.
Posted By: 69Boss302_dup1 Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/06/03 09:06 AM
wow Brad, that really blows. On the plus side, you are a manager at Soundtrack now. <flashback> I remember when you were waiting anxiously for them to call you back <flashback over>

M3 my man, M3!!!!
Posted By: SQPlus_dup1 Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/06/03 10:30 AM
Just barely one year ago...time flies...

Yeah, needless to say I'm not overly excited about the cash I'm getting but whatever. Not much I can do about now, I just need to see what I can do about getting money from the lady that I hit. BTW, what insurance company does everybody here have? And most importantly, are you happy with it? Farmers is almost definately getting dropped after this is all over with. If you want to see a strange phenomenon go into a farmers office and just say "Customer Service" out loud. They all stare at you with a blank expression and mouths open as though you just notified them that the world is, in fact, round.
Posted By: 69Boss302_dup1 Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/06/03 01:53 PM
Brad, shouldn't you get compensation from the Uninsured motorist insurance that Colorado requires you to have for such an instance?

I've had All State and haven't had a single problem in six years. I even got money back from them not long ago. I was supposed to be getting some discount from like two years ago. They caught it about three months ago and credited my acct for the amount and then two days ago I get a letter telling me that they aleady took care of it. I already knew about it, but the fact that they took care of it ahead of notifying me tells me they went the extra step and didn't need to.
Posted By: fast80svt_dup1 Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/08/03 03:44 PM
Originally posted by SQPlus:
BTW, what insurance company does everybody here have? And most importantly, are you happy with it?

I have State Farm. Had the same policy since the day I turned 16. Now they do my SVT and my homeowners. I have absolutely no complaints.
Posted By: Pollo_loco69_dup1 Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/08/03 05:10 PM
Originally posted by SQPlus:
BTW, what insurance company does everybody here have? And most importantly, are you happy with it?

I have Bear River Mutual.
Posted By: Dr Dionysus Esq. Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/09/03 03:32 AM
Originally posted by SQPlus:
BTW, what insurance company does everybody here have? And most importantly, are you happy with it?

What's insurance? Doesn't sound like anything I need. Just another added expense that doesn't serve any purpose.
Posted By: PackRat_dup1 Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/09/03 04:51 PM
I have USAA an I'm pleased with it. Members only insurance has it's priviliges.
Posted By: PackRat_dup1 Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/09/03 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Dionysus:
Originally posted by SQPlus:
BTW, what insurance company does everybody here have? And most importantly, are you happy with it?

What's insurance? Doesn't sound like anything I need. Just another added expense that doesn't serve any purpose.

You're not serious are you?
Posted By: Dr Dionysus Esq. Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/10/03 04:39 AM
of course not
Posted By: SQPlus_dup1 Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/11/03 07:53 AM
Yes, as much as I absolutely hate insurance and the whole idea behind it it pretty much saved my a$$ this time. Thanks for all the replies everyone, we'll see what my agent has to say about everything.
Posted By: SQPlus_dup1 Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/14/03 01:14 AM
Well, the quest begins. I got the check from insurance today so now I have to find a car.
Posted By: Derk-xB Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/14/03 02:25 AM
Get an old Subaru, put a lift on it, and call it good.
Posted By: 94ex Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/14/03 02:30 AM
hey brad wanna buy a 1995 Audi 90 quattro. I think i know where you can find one. Oh yeah that's right me.
Posted By: SQPlus_dup1 Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/17/03 10:39 AM
Austin, when did you get an Audi?
Posted By: Jose 5er Re: A sad, sad day... - 11/25/03 02:57 AM
Sorry to hear, well I had my bad luck too but not as bad as you, well good to hear you are OK.
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