Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
what does n/m mean? Never mind? You fixed it and now aren't going to tell us how? I've been losing sleep trying to figure it out and now never mind?
So you fixed the speedo problem, what about the shifting problem? Were the two connected? If so, that's excellent news.
n/m in the title indicates 'no message'...I just wanted to let everyone know. Well, heres the deal...I originally got the TSS from the post that Chris suggested but that didn't help with the speedo. It did, however, smooth out the rough shifting I was having so I could at least drive the car to work everyday. I had also posted the other thread in the troubleshooting section to see what came up and a few people said that what I need is actually the VSS not the TSS. So I got that sensor yesterday and spent about 20 min finding and installing it and VOILA!! speedo works now. When I pulled off the old VSS the shaft in the center of it was still sitting in my tranny when it should have been attached to the sensor. So, once again, the CEG comes through and saves plenty of money. All told I spent less than $80 on the two sensors. It kind of sucks that I had to buy that other sensor as well but its cool because my car shifts incredably matter how hard I'm accelerating, its very cool.


VSS=Vehicle Speed Sensor
TSS=Turbine (Shaft)Speed Sensor

Those are two of THREE sensors the EEC uses to determine the vehicles speed!
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