Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Hey, I just spotted you in the parking lot at Wyeth Pharmecuticals, and left a note on your windshield. You around here?
Hey! That's my car!! My first sighting. But it was actually my boyfriend driving it. He's doing some work on it for me so we traded cars. He works at Wyeth. (Jeff x1493) I'm stuck down here in MA but am up just about every weekend. Actually heading up tomorrow night after work.

Do you work at Wyeth too?

Yup yup, I'm in the information services department. That's probably the only SVT I've seen up this way in a while, it caught me off guard. Very clean looking car.
Actually, I think he was just in my office talking to my co-worker, Dan, about a floppy drive. I didn't put a name to the car at the time. Jeff Pistor, right?
Yup. That's him. He works somewhere in Central Services. Probably looking for a floppy drive for his laptop.

I know what you mean about not seeing SVT's very often. I live in the middle of nowhere and have only seen a few, but never around here.
Posted By: Micah Re: SVT spotted: Black/tan, Mass tags, 3179PG - 06/20/02 06:36 PM
so when you coming back up to plattsburgh? Let us know we will have a little meet if ya want. hang and talk about the cars or whatever.

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