Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: R_G Don't wanna post in the general forums - 05/14/06 05:12 PM
Need some advice please. I trust my local CEGers more

Quite for some time I been having this weird problem with my car. Whenever I wouldn't drive it for over 24 hours, the battery's charge would drop to like 10/11V and the car wouldn't start unless a charger or booster cables were used. Then the car would start within a split second and would start/drive for another several months with full 12V (or 14V while running).

Now, 2 days ago I stayed home and forgot to drive it. Well, I am thinking - in the worst case scenario I will just throw some booster cables. That's what I did. So this immediately gave me 14V with stereo blastin' and all. However all I got was a measley click, no revvin' or nothing. I could have thought the alt went bad, but it doesn't look so - when it (alt went bad) happened in the past, the car would just go nuts with crazy blades movements, blinking/dimmin' of the cluster and all.

Then I tried to start it remotely with my Viper - the same effect/no effect.

What could be the problem? A starter?


If I had to venture a guess without actually looking at the car , I'd say it's the battery .
Or a connection somewhere in there. I just had a very similar problem on my SHO. As soon as I pulled the cables and cleaned everything it's running much better. It was pulling the voltage down because the alternator wasn't getting a full charge.
But yours DOES sound slightly different...

Oh yeah, and I can understand why you didn't want to post in the general section.
Posted By: R_G Re: Don't wanna post in the general forums - 05/14/06 10:56 PM
Allen - if that's the battery - why the booster cables don't do the job then? I mean the car should have started anyway, even with a bad battery...
was it a jumper pack? or a full size charger? if its a jumper i've run into many instances were it wouldnt start a car
Originally posted by R_G:
Allen - if that's the battery - why the booster cables don't do the job then? I mean the car should have started anyway, even with a bad battery...

If the battery's not up to the task ... it's not up to the task - even WITH cables/charger . I see that scenerio all the time .
Posted By: R_G Re: Don't wanna post in the general forums - 05/17/06 01:18 AM
All right, thanks...
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