Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: BrApple_dup1 think I have done well for myself - 08/25/06 01:34 PM
as I sit here on my 25th birthday I think I have done quite well over the years... I graduated college with a degree in mechanical engineering and am working at a good paying job doing engineering work in my field. I have been able to move out on my own to an apartment, now living with my gf and I own two cars. for the most part I can easily afford what I want when I want it, although it is alittle tight at times ... and of course I have had some of the best and supportive parents also

I see many good years ahead
Posted By: CSVT1214 Re: think I have done well for myself - 08/25/06 01:51 PM
I'd say your doing really good.

I was thinking about the same stuff myself the other day. I think I'm not that far behind you.
Congrats! You are only 25? Wow, you have done well.

I was a bit of a laggart in college and didn't graduate until I was 27. I'm still trying to find myself, but I know what is important to me: my wife and kiddies.
Originally posted by Ex-Mean'Tour:
I'm still trying to find myself, ...

one can say that you will never truely understand yourself, after all you are always changing so you can just understand where you have been
Yeah I'd say you and Tony are doing more than just "good".
You boys make some mad coin.

It's really easy to take things for granted, so it's always nice to take a step back and really appreciate all your accomplishments.

Congrats and happy birthday. Enjoy the decrease in insurance premiums.
Originally posted by frenchblueC2:

Enjoy the decrease in insurance premiums.

already have ... last year I payed near $3200 because I had both cars for the first time ... this coming year was under 2k and I still have to receive my dividend check and I am looking into renters insurance from the same company to receive the 10% discount on auto for having two policies with the same company
Posted By: Goonz SVT Re: think I have done well for myself - 08/25/06 02:44 PM
yea, my insurance just dropped to $1272/year..$106/month

I still have 2-3 years left with my school. However I might have a siiick internship lined up for me at a place called Wyeth. They are a pharmaceutical company that make drugs like Advil, Chapstick and other medicines for deadly diseases. If I get it then they will pay for my school and I will be garunteed a job after school..Imm soo pumped with my fingers crossed!
Originally posted by Goonz SVT:
If I get it then they will pay for my school and I will be garunteed a job after school..Imm soo pumped with my fingers crossed!

now that is a great deal, gl
Posted By: Matt R_dup1 Re: think I have done well for myself - 08/25/06 03:23 PM
Originally posted by Goonz SVT:
Chapstick and other medicines for deadly diseases.

Wow chapped lips can be deadly? Yikes! Glad to hear everything is going good Brian. Your car is going to look so sick when you get the SVT body kit painted in that blue.
Posted By: Goonz SVT Re: think I have done well for myself - 08/25/06 03:36 PM
Originally posted by BrApple:
Originally posted by Goonz SVT:
If I get it then they will pay for my school and I will be garunteed a job after school..Imm soo pumped with my fingers crossed!

now that is a great deal, gl

I know man! I cant wait!
Originally posted by Matt R:
Your car is going to look so sick when you get the SVT body kit painted in that blue.

I signed the work order with Connecticut Custom Car this past week. should go in the first week of October depending if the car before mine shows and how long it takes as they say it is worse then mine. Figure mine should be pretty straight forward, strip and paint, not much body work to do I hope ...
Originally posted by BrApple:
this coming year was under 2k

damn, that still seems kinda high.
Do you keep the Contour insured for driving all year (winter too)?
Posted By: Goonz SVT Re: think I have done well for myself - 08/25/06 04:19 PM
Originally posted by BrApple:
Originally posted by Matt R:
Your car is going to look so sick when you get the SVT body kit painted in that blue.

I signed the work order with Connecticut Custom Car this past week. should go in the first week of October depending if the car before mine shows and how long it takes as they say it is worse then mine. Figure mine should be pretty straight forward, strip and paint, not much body work to do I hope ...

yea im gettin my side skirts, front/rear bumpers and mirko repainted next spring..$500
Originally posted by frenchblueC2:
Originally posted by BrApple:
this coming year was under 2k

damn, that still seems kinda high.
Do you keep the Contour insured for driving all year (winter too)?

well that is for full coverage on the contour and everything but collision on the mystique, and don't forget I was doing 165 miles round trip to work. last year i did have full coverage on the contour year round, this year i will not after having it painted and being able to hopefully keep the car in my grandmothers garage this winter
I'd have to say I agree with you doing well.

It's amazing seeing some of the younger guys on here (Brian, Matt) coming along through school into the working world, and really stepping it up.

Meanwhile, we old farts just keep going on and on and on.
Posted By: hotdimmes Re: think I have done well for myself - 08/25/06 07:45 PM
I'd step it up if someone would hire me

happy birthday brian!
Posted By: rouar Re: think I have done well for myself - 08/25/06 09:26 PM
Originally posted by hotdimmes:
I'd step it up if someone would hire me

You may have to broaden your search locations too. I have a friend who majored in astronautical engineering (or aeronautical engineering, can't recall which, I do know he wants to work for NASA someday) and finally, just this week, got a position with Boeing in Seattle. Actually I think most of my engineering friends ended up taking jobs out of New England.

Goonz - internships rock. I truly wish I had done one when I was in school, would have made the application process so much easier since I would have already had corporate experience. It made applying for jobs hard saying that my previous experience was BK, Wal-Mart and scanning docs, I had to play up my QA experience at my scanning job and glorify my school projects.

Happy Birthday Brian! You're only destined for future successes the way you've been doing.
Posted By: hotdimmes Re: think I have done well for myself - 08/25/06 10:21 PM
I'm not one of those "move far away and start a new life" types. Although, I am currently putting a deposit on a nice apt in hartford (I have a temporary job that may turn not temporary if I start making a real salary)
Posted By: LUCA_dup1 Re: think I have done well for myself - 08/26/06 01:15 AM
Happy birthday Brian!

I agree, I think you have done well for yourself. Congratulations!

Tony, you have done well also and are to be also.

Goonz, good luck with the internship. I wish you the best.
Posted By: JEFFtourCT Re: think I have done well for myself - 08/27/06 03:54 AM
im just a loser who doesn't want to go to college right now. :-( i have a full time job.. but not what i want to do for the rest of my life. i suck..


but really.. i suck..
Originally posted by JEFFtourCT:
i suck..
but really.. i suck..

I think u r kewl
Plus your lady friend makes you extra cool.
Posted By: Goonz SVT Re: think I have done well for myself - 08/27/06 04:52 AM
Originally posted by frenchblueC2:
Originally posted by JEFFtourCT:
i suck..
but really.. i suck..

I think u r kewl
Plus your lady friend makes you extra cool.

I was gonna say!

working in retail for me is just extra motivation to do better in school and make somthing of myself..and Im sick of my car so I cant wait to get a nice paying job so I can get a g35 coupe like I always wanted!
Posted By: rouar Re: think I have done well for myself - 08/27/06 05:40 AM
Originally posted by Goonz SVT:
working in retail for me is just extra motivation to do better in school and make somthing of myself..and Im sick of my car so I cant wait to get a nice paying job so I can get a g35 coupe like I always wanted!

Plans may work differently. I assure you a Maxima was never on my list of cars to obtain in the future (I really did want an E46 BMW 328i) but honestly the more I drive this car the more I love it. When I bought this car I planned to keep it 'just long enough' till I could afford a BMW (plans were for roughly a year from purchase, which is less than 6 months from now) but I don't want to give this car up!

It was funny, working in retail definitely bothered me in terms of management and customer treatment of you, the lowly employee, but I was also exposed to the atmosphere of people working retail full-time, which allowed me to realize "hey, it's entirely possible to live on this" ... which actually sort of demotivated me to work harder at school!

Jeff - taking time off can be a good thing. I knew a few people who ended up dropping out of college for a bit because they still had no clue what they wanted to major in (one of them is now an apprentice electrician!). However, at the same time you shouldn't get stuck in a rut - I also have other friends who went that route and ended up never saving up for their future. Take your time, figure out what it is you like to do and want to either pursue doing or getting better at it. Remember also, happiness doesn't require a college degree
ya i spent a few years at UMass lowell, decided it wasnt for me at the time, met some great people who are still some of my closes friends, i just turned 24 and im a carpenter, i love the work but im just gaining experience so i can build my own house some day cause im still not sure what i want to with my life, haha, my and my gf bought a condo in my home town last year completely on our own with no help from the 'rents...she's a public accountant for a firm in is all about the journey, and i agree with the "dont need a college degree to be happy" comment, cause although i do want to is not a requirement for happiness
Posted By: ctmystique Re: think I have done well for myself - 08/27/06 08:44 PM
Sending you belated good fortune wishes...Hope you had a happy birthday!

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