Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: GR8SVT_dup1 Hi Everyone - 01/09/06 01:47 PM
Hi everyone!

Haven't been around in a while - just reading on some older posts.

Brian - Congrats on the new apartment! It's sooo great to live on your own! Good luck with everyone.

Elky - Happy B-day bro!

Mike and Kim - I hope the new house is coming along ok. From the pics that I saw - that house will make a great summer party hangout! I'm happy for you two.

Goonz - The more I see your car, the more it reminds me of mine after I bought it off of Mark (MTOSVT, MTORSX, MTOWRX, etc...). Get some rims and paint those grills black and it'll be my car the day it drove away from my garage for the last time! It's lookin good kid - Keep it up!

skunk - I hope all is OK. I still owe you for bringing me to the parts store in Worcestor after my car quit on the dyno! lol. Friggin wrong TPS will do that do a car.

Ryan & Sue - I hope your enjoying the new toy - the good weather is right around the corner! Lisa just won't go for trading in her Jetta for the MazdaSpeed Miata. oh well. If you guys are in the area and want to grab some Olive Garden, look us up (or PM me).

I've been lurking around the forum. I'll be setting up my garage this spring - should come out pretty nice. My garage is so disorganized - its crazy. Although all my detail supplies are in nice order. lol.

Hope everyone had a safe and HAPPY Holiday's.

Posted By: frenchblueC2_dup1 Re: Hi Everyone - 01/09/06 01:53 PM

the house makes for a pretty decent winter hangout too.
Although it really needs a mantown facelift. Hopefully that'll be a summer '06 project.

glad to hear you're still kicking around
Posted By: ElKy Re: Hi Everyone - 01/09/06 02:00 PM
hey hugo!!
ya bastid!!
haha (garagejunkies reference)

its about time you showed your mug around here.

Posted By: GR8SVT_dup1 Re: Hi Everyone - 01/09/06 03:19 PM
been pretty busy.

i was bartending on the weekends for a while.
Been adding a ton of stuff to the house - new lighting in the kitchen, new kitchen island, new outdoor furniture w/ grill (the whole setup changed from my first year at the house). Just refinished stairs - Now I know why I don't work with wood (hehe). Me no good with woodwork. Although they came out realy nice - it just too me forever!

I have two new kittens now - Ali and Skyy.

Ali (we pronounce it Alley) - named after my favorite athlete of all time - Muhammad Ali - was found on Mother's Day last year shortly after birth in a shoe box on the road with the rest of her family (mother included).
All kittens and Mom were found deceased - but Ali buried her way under her siblings to stay warm and when the Animal Rescue found her, they brought to a Foster shelter where her body temp was gradually brought up to what it should be. She was a figher - so who else to name her after than the greatest figher of all time (in my opinion).

Skyy - well Elky would recognize this - is named after my favorite Vodka (well, 2nd favorite - I couldn't name her Grey Goose, lol). She was named this because her mother was neglected by a drunken fool who got so drunk he wouldn't feed his cats (all 8 of them), one of which was pregnant. Luckily, he got busted for something where the cops had to go to his house and they brought the cats to the shelter, where Skyy was born a few days later. A little small for a normal baby kitten, but she was healthy - and is now growing like crazy! Thank God they don't need clothes! lol.

Anyway - so yeah - its been busy lately - especially here at work. Although today is a slow day.
Posted By: ElKy Re: Hi Everyone - 01/09/06 03:33 PM
those are great cat names.

the owner of Rain got a golden retriever last year.
named her Alley-Rain.
after the bowling alley and the club.
Posted By: frenchblueC2_dup1 Re: Hi Everyone - 01/09/06 03:39 PM
aww poor kitties
good thing they're in a better home now.
Love the names!
We're hoping to rescue a kitten in the near future.
Posted By: Cueball Re: Hi Everyone - 01/09/06 03:48 PM
Cute cat names. Not like Viper and Cobra. Ha!
Posted By: frenchblueC2_dup1 Re: Hi Everyone - 01/09/06 04:06 PM
isn't it always the runt of the litter that always ends up being the biggest later on?
Mike's parents have had some cats like that.
Posted By: GR8SVT_dup1 Re: Hi Everyone - 01/09/06 06:44 PM
Hey Doug! How's everything going? Hope all is well.
Detailing your golf clubs more than your car lately?
I imagine the salt is getting to be too much - although its not bad down here in SE Mass.

It seems that way!
Ali is shorter and pudgy - she's friggin hilarious with her cat sounds. Every time Lisa asks the cats if they want a snack - Ali starts yelling and rolls around the floor. Skyy whispers and actually sits on command now.
But Skyy - she was tiny - we went on a cruise last week of November and when we got back, Skyy had a growth spurt! My sister in law house/pet sat for us - seemed like she fed her growth hormones!

Viper and Cobra are great pet names.
If I had a male dog - I would name him Cobra. That's classic.
Posted By: ElKy Re: Hi Everyone - 01/09/06 06:48 PM
if i wasnt allergic to cats, i would want one and i would name it: De-Oh-Gee

Posted By: Goonz SVT Re: Hi Everyone - 01/09/06 09:17 PM
Originally posted by GR8SVT:
Hi everyone!

Goonz - The more I see your car, the more it reminds me of mine after I bought it off of Mark (MTOSVT, MTORSX, MTOWRX, etc...). Get some rims and paint those grills black and it'll be my car the day it drove away from my garage for the last time! It's lookin good kid - Keep it up!

thanks man

my car will look nothing like it did come this spring
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