Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: GR8SVT_dup1 Just Checkin... - 08/17/04 02:49 PM
Hey guys, I know I'm trollin a bit, but I have a question and I was hoping everyone can chime in.

1) Anyone from the Charlotte, NC area?
2) If so, hows the job market down there?

I have been thinking of selling my house and leaving everything behind here in MA and heading South a bit. A friend of mine had suggested Charlotte.

I have a career in the BOOMING IT industry working as a software engineer specializing in Data Warehousing (mainly ORACLE databases).

I'm going to be looking at, but I was hoping I can get some real opinions here.

Thanks for any help in advance!

Posted By: ryanblacksvt Re: Just Checkin... - 08/17/04 03:24 PM
yeah the job market is alooooot better than mass. i grew up in mass and the job market and economy is horable there, my brother is in the it field and worked for tac world wide in boston and moved here to atl and has been steady working and making mad cash since he moved...
Posted By: ryanblacksvt Re: Just Checkin... - 08/17/04 03:24 PM
yeah the job market is alooooot better than mass. i grew up in mass and the job market and economy is horable there, my brother is in the it field and worked for tac world wide in boston and moved here to atl and has been steady working and making mad cash since he moved...
Posted By: FordTruckBoy_dup1 Re: Just Checkin... - 08/23/04 12:46 AM
Maybe check out RTP too. (Research Triangle Park - Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill area) A LOT of IT jobs in this area.

I just did exactly what you said in July ... Left everything I had back in Kansas and picked up and moved out here.

The economy is down everywhere but reletivly speaking, it is thriving here.
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