Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Sadeeq 'Tour meeting date set for 1/19/2002 - 12/21/01 04:16 AM
We've been discussing the meet on a few different threads now, so I'm creating this one to consolidate info.
Here's what we've got so far:
The Details:
Auburn Supermall
Saturday January 19th @ 10AM
We'll probably grab some coffee and head south for a leasurely morning drive (just because we love driving our cars)... maybe rendezvous with another caravan heading north from Oregon if there's enough interest from that far south.
We then plan to have lunch somewhere (Hooters?) wink... followed be a possible stop at my house to dink around under our hoods or just chill.

This is all off the top of my head, so correct me if I misstated anything, and fill in what i left out.
Posted By: Sadeeq Re: 'Tour meeting date set for 1/19/2002 - 12/21/01 04:28 AM
PS: If any of you guys who were are the last meet can give us an idea of what worked, and what didn't... :rolleyes:
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