Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: SMcD_dup1 Radiator hoses - 08/20/02 04:46 AM
In the almost 100 degree heat last week, the 'tour blew the upper radiator hose. At the suggestion of my mechanic, I had them change the lower at the same time. Little did I know that the lower hose was a $72 part that looks like a Gonkulator, and that they would have to lift the motor to do the job!

Now I'm looking at a $300 bill for two fricking hoses!

Any other Zetec'ers with similar experience?

And since there's no more off-topic, why does this new place call me SmCD; at the old place I was SMcD? Weird!
Posted By: FordTruckBoy_dup1 Re: Radiator hoses - 08/20/02 05:03 AM
Thanks for the tip. Guess I won't be changing that lower hose till I see green pouring out!
Posted By: CRZYDRVR_dup1 Re: Radiator hoses - 08/20/02 05:18 AM
In reply to:

Now I'm looking at a $300 bill for two fricking hoses!

Thats insane. There has got to be a way to change it without lifting the engine. Hopefully someone on this site can help you out.
Posted By: ExDelayed_dup1 Re: Radiator hoses - 08/20/02 05:26 AM
Moving the P/S pump out of the way will let you get access to the top of the lower hose. It was a big PITA when I did mine last year. IIRC, I paid $50, but I had an employee discount at the auto parts store. Seems a bit high, but when you consider parts and labor together, it was probably about right.

It is a weird looking hose, isn't it? Looks like a giant spider!
Posted By: contourd_dup1 Re: Radiator hoses - 08/20/02 04:32 PM
I just replaced the lower myself this past Saturday.. $55.00 From Pep Boys. Pain in the A$$ to get to the CDlamp though.. Had to remove the Torque Axis,Power Steering Pump, Exhaust Manifold Heat Sheild, Serpentine belt and then had to find a pair of Pliers small enough to sqeeze in there to releaser the clamp... Not hard just tedious... If I could have afforded the Stealership to do the work would have but decided after seeing a $55.00 Lower Radiator Hose I took it as a sign the Stealership should not be trusted to do the work..
Posted By: contourd_dup1 Re: Radiator hoses - 08/20/02 04:36 PM
Looks like a heart valve... I plan on writing ford and telling them I don't appreciate every repair being over $200.00... Oh well Life goes on.. The Price we pay for our tours...
Posted By: ExDelayed_dup1 Re: Radiator hoses - 08/20/02 09:22 PM
Originally posted by contourd:
find a pair of Pliers small enough to sqeeze in there to releaser the clamp...

Thats why there is now a normal screw type hose clamp holding on my hoses. I hate stock style clamps!
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