Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: codeo what do I need to get started in autoX - 08/04/02 05:00 AM
I've been looking for something fun to do with my car and I think autoX might be worth a try,what are some beginning mods?
the best money you'll spend period is on a driving school for yourself
Fix the nut behind the wheel.
A harness.
A helmet.
Falken Azenis.
Posted By: codeo Re: what do I need to get started in autoX - 08/05/02 04:59 AM
i like the driving school idea.
Fix the nut behind the wheel.
What nut? confused
Posted By: codeo Re: what do I need to get started in autoX - 08/05/02 10:53 AM
the one that holds the wheel to the steering column... :rolleyes: :p wink
Posted By: Eric Ford Re: what do I need to get started in autoX - 08/05/02 01:08 PM
Codeo, all you have to do to get started is show up... yes as you progress and maybe get more serious driving schools will help. Many Regions that run autocrosses have experienced drivers that will "instruct" you.

Bring Car
Bring $
Have fun.
Originally posted by codeo:
the one that holds the wheel to the steering column... :rolleyes: :p wink
I thought we were talking about the nut that connects the wheel to the accelerator and brakes wink

Oh, and seat time is another good thing, so go to as many events as you can.

Posted By: RogerB Re: what do I need to get started in autoX - 08/05/02 04:25 PM
Definitely go first, mod later.

Yeah, yeah, driver skill is where 90% of your improvement potential is, but if you like to play with your car...

Get a little experience, learn the classing rules, and figure out what class you want to be in. Mod accordingly, based on what you perceive (after getting some seat time) to be the major weak points in the car. Then, most of the time, it's tires, suspension, then a toss-up between brakes and horsepower.

Or, skip the mods and go to driving school.

But none of this is really necessary if you just want to have a good time.
Posted By: codeo Re: what do I need to get started in autoX - 08/05/02 06:18 PM
Originally posted by javaContour:
Originally posted by codeo:
[b]the one that holds the wheel to the steering column... :rolleyes: :p wink
I thought we were talking about the nut that connects the wheel to the accelerator and brakes wink

Oh, and seat time is another good thing, so go to as many events as you can.

I knew someone would come up with a better smarta$$ remark. laugh thanks for the good advice
Posted By: KC LX Re: what do I need to get started in autoX - 08/05/02 11:22 PM
He's right, this is all you need:

Originally posted by Eric Ford:
Bring Car
Bring $
Have fun.
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