Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Custom01 Gauging Interest... Amazing Demon Eyes!!! - 10/16/03 05:32 PM
Ok so here is the deal.... we have a group buy going on over atNECO ...

The deal is this... 50 orders gets these made... they are the most amazing looking demon eyes and they will make the contours look mean as hell. In the post on NECO you will find lots of pictures... what I would like is for people interested to reply here with questions/comments.

If you can come up with a list of 50 people then they can be made for the car. It may sound like a lot but when you guys see these things you'll know they are one of the coolest cosmetic mods available.

Please let me know if there are any questions and I will get a list going on people interested... please direct all questions through me as the owner of the company who posts on NECO is very busy... he did post his information (AIM, etc.) but please don't abuse it. I will make a list of questions you guys have and forward them to him.

Thanks again for reading this... and lets get these goin!
well, we all know the pre 98 contour owners are screwed LOL, but anyways, i guess the post 98 contour owners would probably want to know how much. There was actually a how to on how to make your own angel eyes posted a little while back. I wouldnt see this costing anymore than $40-50 if you did it yourself.
Quote from the NECO this you?

["And just to let everyone know they are $250 on EBAY for ths IS300 so retail might be around $350...

We are working on a group buy but just to let everyone know this is not a $20 modification, it uses advanced optics in order to be Daylight Demon Eyes....

These are 4-5x brighter than the bimmer ones during the day (i saw them on an IS during the day and THEY WERE GLOWING!!!! "]

Sounds like they are going to be some outrageous amount...not too many people have taken their lights apart on here & those that haven't probably wouldn't for these either...not that they aren't cool, I'd hate like hell to spend alot of money for these only to screw up my housings installing them. $.02 If I'm wrong, I'm wrong
50 people?
Posted By: sigma Re: Gauging Interest... Amazing Demon Eyes!!! - 10/16/03 07:31 PM
Yeah, the odds of successfully opening and resealing your headlight housings are about 50/50. I wouldn't want to add another $250+ on to the cost of these if I screwed it up. Not that a pre-98 could use them anways, unfortuantely.
Originally posted by SVZETEC:
Quote from the NECO this you?

["And just to let everyone know they are $250 on EBAY for ths IS300 so retail might be around $350...

We are working on a group buy but just to let everyone know this is not a $20 modification, it uses advanced optics in order to be Daylight Demon Eyes....

These are 4-5x brighter than the bimmer ones during the day (i saw them on an IS during the day and THEY WERE GLOWING!!!! "]

Sounds like they are going to be some outrageous amount...not too many people have taken their lights apart on here & those that haven't probably wouldn't for these either...not that they aren't cool, I'd hate like hell to spend alot of money for these only to screw up my housings installing them. $.02 If I'm wrong, I'm wrong
50 people?

Read the whole thread. Final price will be around $139-$159. I would be interested. Let us know how it goes.


if someone could re-design pre98 lights to be clear like 98+ lights, then that'd be something worth buying...
Originally posted by myfastse:
Originally posted by SVZETEC:
Quote from the NECO this you?

["And just to let everyone know they are $250 on EBAY for ths IS300 so retail might be around $350...

We are working on a group buy but just to let everyone know this is not a $20 modification, it uses advanced optics in order to be Daylight Demon Eyes....

These are 4-5x brighter than the bimmer ones during the day (i saw them on an IS during the day and THEY WERE GLOWING!!!! "]

Sounds like they are going to be some outrageous amount...not too many people have taken their lights apart on here & those that haven't probably wouldn't for these either...not that they aren't cool, I'd hate like hell to spend alot of money for these only to screw up my housings installing them. $.02 If I'm wrong, I'm wrong
50 people?

Read the whole thread. Final price will be around $139-$159. I would be interested. Let us know how it goes.



I figured over $100 which is still not gonna happen w/ 50 people...I'd guarantee you couldn't find 50 CEG'rs willing to cut their housings(unless of course someone w/ experience would be willing to do it for them). Looks to me like 50 contour people over & above the's hard to get 10 people on a group buy here...

The price is the least of the problem...50?
yeah those would be really cool, but this is something i wouldnt want to do myself. i just dont want to have to deal with headlight problems down the road, or have to buy new housings. so as much as i would like them, i probably wouldnt buy 'em.

and not to be a downer, but 50 is a LOT of people.
Posted By: R_G Re: Gauging Interest... Amazing Demon Eyes!!! - 10/17/03 04:06 AM
From what I read here - even MIlan - if I am not wrong - got some probs with them... I am hesistant...
Check out how this BITCHIN' product is made/installed!!


$275!! BOYAHH!! I'm there!!

Hi, I am from Sarcasm-ville.
so can we get some pics?
Sound good but a firmer price would too!
Originally posted by BlackSleeper:
so can we get some pics?
Sound good but a firmer price would too!

Plenty of pics are in the BITCHIN' HOWTO link in my previous post.
So... This kit has a lamp holder, some of this fiber tubing to make the angel eyes, and a couple of lamps? Im not knocking this kit without seeing it in person, but I dont see how this kit can cost so much?
I ask the same question. I mean it is realitively simple, so how can it be so much?
But if the final price is around $139-$200 then count me in and keep me posted!!!
Originally posted by BlackSleeper:
But if the final price is around $139-$200 then count me in and keep me posted!!!

You're kidding, right?

Yeah, the odds of successfully opening and resealing your headlight housings are about 50/50. I wouldn't want to add another $250+ on to the cost of these if I screwed it up. Not that a pre-98 could use them anways, unfortuantely.

I would have to agree. These do look really cool but the risk factor is to much for me.
Are we going to get an offical price on this kit?
I'm interested. estimate between $200-350?
Lets us all know
Originally posted by Chris Hightower:
Check out how this BITCHIN' product is made/installed!!


$275!! BOYAHH!! I'm there!!

I am so with you Chris!

Another how-to and even a source for some super kick-ass LEDs! One of those is as bright as your run of the mill park lamp bulb.
Posted By: Peach Re: Gauging Interest... Amazing Demon Eyes!!! - 10/24/03 12:55 AM
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