Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Majisto Trunk popper - 06/18/05 01:09 AM
I'm going to pick up one of those small springs for the trunk and I was curious how to mount it. I noticed that the picture shows only one screw, but do I need to drill a hole for it to go into? I looked where it would mount on the car, and there is a rectangular hole. Can I use that or should I drill a new hole?
Posted By: Big Jim_dup1 Re: Trunk popper - 06/18/05 04:13 AM
It's been a long time since I installed mine, but as I remember the screw is a self taping screw and it makes it's own hole and threads.
Posted By: larsofvt_dup1 Re: Trunk popper - 06/18/05 01:23 PM
You know what? I used double sided tape. It has been in place for at least two years with no problems.

Posted By: Majisto Re: Trunk popper - 06/18/05 06:00 PM
Originally posted by larsofvt:
You know what? I used double sided tape. It has been in place for at least two years with no problems.


Now that is a good idea! I have my cable modem stuck to the side of the desk with double-sided tape. It's very strong stuff.
Posted By: Nic_ContourSE99 Re: Trunk popper - 06/18/05 08:15 PM
What I did is, I place the spring where I what it to be, (close to the striker) than mark the trunk lid where the hole for the screw is suppose to goes. Then I drilled an hole in the trunk lid, a bit samller than the self-tapping screw I was using. I finally screw it in the trunk lid. Easy job.

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