Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: nelgee obd 2 on ebay - 11/19/03 01:53 AM
does anyone know about these obd 2 on ebay?
they are cheap but nobody seems to be bidding on them. did i just answer my own question?
Posted By: JonnySVT Re: obd 2 on ebay - 11/19/03 01:56 AM
They should be fine for strictly reading codes. They sell them at Kragen too I believe. I was going to get one eventually but I still have not got around to it. Maybe someone else has had problems with them, but I doubt it. If so, let's hear it...
Posted By: projectSHO89_dup1 Re: obd 2 on ebay - 11/22/03 03:04 AM
Harbor Freight sells them for $40 or $50.

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