Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Okay, I don't think that any of us can admit that at one point or another we haven't broken the speed limit. And I'm sure a great number of us have also experienced the wrath of our local pigs and have been written up a speeding ticket. Speeding and not getting caught is a topic that I feel very passionate about, so I will share with you some of my opinions on how to not get caught.

1) You only get speeding tickets on freeways/interstates/highways if you are not being careful. a) slow down before going by an underpass b) if you are going up a slight incline and can't see over the horizon slow down until you have leveled out or until your line of sight is further c) slow down before passing any gaps in the barrier between the lanes (what is that called again???).

2) When driving in town, very cautious during commuter hours and evenings. Be VERY cautious on Friday and Saturday nights. Don't take any big risks ecspecially in towns you are not familiar with. If you are in an out-of-state location, also be careful, because cops will target you. It's best to take it easy in town and not triple the speed limit to pass the Dodge Caravan before the road merges 500 feet ahead. A safe time to speed is during church on Sunday morning.

3) GET A RADAR DETECTOR/JAMMER!!! Anyone who can sleep well after spending 300 dollars on custom Ford racing floor mats (which I'm sure some of you are guilty of wink ), should be able to cough up 60-200 dollars for a good radar detector by Cobra or Viper. If you are willing to spend in the 300 dollar neighborhood, get the new Phantom II. It detects and jams radar of many sorts, and the manufactuer will even pay for any speeding tickets you get in the first year of owning it. But as I said, even a cheaper detector like a Cobra for 60 bucks will keep you safe.

4) If you pass a moving cop on the road and think he is gonna go after you, turn off the road you are on as soon as you can. Don't hesitate for him to turn his lights on. Go to some little off street, turn off your car and headlights if they are on and just keep it cool for a few minutes. Avoid driving on that same road if possible for at least an hour or so. Remember, if the cop hasn't turned on his lights or made it clear that he is following you, it's not illegal to take a detour.

5) If you get caught, don't try to rationalize your speeding. You can't. Just admit that you were speeding and be polite about it. Don't act nervous or angry. I've gotten out of tickets for going close to 20 over in a 25 this way. If you do get ticketed, DO challenge it in court. First time offenders almost always get off with just a drivers ed class, and nothing goes to your insurance. I had a friend get out of a 95 in a 55 ticket by going to court. All he had to do was write an apology letter.

Those are just some things I've kind of picked up from my years as a fast driver. Please share advice with me or your strategies. I'm all about not getting pulled over. Remember, cops are not our friends. They are different from you and me. The are the secret police of East Germany, the Gestapos of the Nazi empire, the...well you get the point. If we weren't supposed to speed, they wouldn't have given us small sedans with V6's in them. Good luck smile
Posted By: 99SESPORT Re: Radar Detectors and other useful ideas - 07/15/02 09:12 AM
This is the STUPIDIST post I think I've ever read...

1) You only get speeding tickets on freeways/interstates/highways if you are not being careful. a) slow down before going by an underpass b) if you are going up a slight incline and can't see over the horizon slow down until you have leveled out or until your line of sight is further c) slow down before passing any gaps in the barrier between the lanes (what is that called again???).
Only if you are not being careful? NO...only if you aren't speeding. Police officers generally give leeway of 10-15 mph. What about the police officers who sit on the side of the freeway at a business where he can't be easily seen? Oh yea...DON'T SPEED!!!

2) When driving in town, very cautious during commuter hours and evenings. Be VERY cautious on Friday and Saturday nights. Don't take any big risks ecspecially in towns you are not familiar with. If you are in an out-of-state location, also be careful, because cops will target you. It's best to take it easy in town and not triple the speed limit to pass the Dodge Caravan before the road merges 500 feet ahead. A safe time to speed is during church on Sunday morning.
Don't speed would be the response to this one too...During commuter hours is like the easiest time to speed because due to the amount of traffic, it is harder for a police officer to actually get on the road, then again, it is extremly dangerous to speed in traffic...moral? Don't speed...

3) GET A RADAR DETECTOR/JAMMER!!! Anyone who can sleep well after spending 300 dollars on custom Ford racing floor mats (which I'm sure some of you are guilty of ), should be able to cough up 60-200 dollars for a good radar detector by Cobra or Viper. If you are willing to spend in the 300 dollar neighborhood, get the new Phantom II. It detects and jams radar of many sorts, and the manufactuer will even pay for any speeding tickets you get in the first year of owning it. But as I said, even a cheaper detector like a Cobra for 60 bucks will keep you safe.
Don't waste your money on radar detectors. All departments (if they don't have them yet) are getting instant-on radar. The gun doesn't turn on or send out a signal until you press the button, at which point the radar detector alerts the vehicle operator that their speed has just been clocked. That's how it works now.

Trust me in that if I want to get someone speeding, I can do it regardless if they have a detector, jammer, what have you.
Again, just DON'T SPEED!! This was from a police officer from New York.

4) Again, don't speed...

5) Why would you challenge it if you are guilty of it? Take defensive driving and keep it off your record...

Those are just some things I've kind of picked up from my years as a fast driver. Please share advice with me or your strategies. I'm all about not getting pulled over. Remember, cops are not our friends. They are different from you and me. The are the secret police of East Germany, the Gestapos of the Nazi empire, the...well you get the point. If we weren't supposed to speed, they wouldn't have given us small sedans with V6's in them. Good luck
The cops are your friends. If you BREAK THE LAW then you deserve to get busted. I can't believe you would even place a police officer in the same realm as a Nazi.

And you aren't supposed to speed. The automakers and the government just give you some freedom on how to drive, and they give the responsibility to you instead of giving us all cars that can only go 60.
I ignored this post, because the advice was crap.. Get a Phantom II, or a $60 Cobra detector? Yeah, whatever. :rolleyes:
Posted By: bkent Re: Radar Detectors and other useful ideas - 07/15/02 02:38 PM
El Hefe you've made us all dumber for reading the 10 or so posts you've started. I don't understand why you start these threads about useless/stupid topics. I'm not trying to attack you personally, but before you post your next topic stop and think if anyone cares/it makes any sense. :rolleyes:;f=1;t=014538;f=1;t=014544;f=2;t=003947
Posted By: Ron Re: Radar Detectors and other useful ideas - 07/15/02 03:07 PM
radars work... there have been a few times were my radar detects hugh alert and i slow down and 2 min later some one is pulled over......
Posted By: Ray Re: Radar Detectors and other useful ideas - 07/15/02 03:22 PM
Hey, Sandman.. Wanna set someone straight? PUH-LEEEEEZEE???

could you please also stop referring to police officers as "pigs".
I don't know any officers personally, so I don't have any real reason to be offended by the term, but still...
regardless of all the negative press officers get, I still respect law enforcement to a great degree and wish others would open their eyes to realize that they're there for our protection, not oppression.
Posted By: BruceO Re: Radar Detectors and other useful ideas - 07/15/02 04:33 PM
I think it is a very good post............for me to poop on!!! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by El Hefe:

1) You only get speeding tickets on freeways/interstates/highways if you are not being careful. a) slow down before going by an underpass b) if you are going up a slight incline and can't see over the horizon slow down until you have leveled out or until your line of sight is further c) slow down before passing any gaps in the barrier between the lanes (what is that called again???).
Hey...I agree with this one. This is actually good advice!! I've done this for as long as I've been driving. This, and stay in the right lane as much as possible. Stay in groups, and let someone who is driving really fast get ahead of you like a 1/4 mile and let him be your pace car. Watch his tailights....when he hits his hit yours.
Posted By: TommySVT Re: Radar Detectors and other useful ideas - 07/15/02 04:54 PM
I want the 2 minutes of my life back after reading this.
just get one of these . End of story.

Posted By: Davo7SVT Re: Radar Detectors and other useful ideas - 07/15/02 07:31 PM
Everyone has pretty much already said what I would say about this post.
Posted By: Chrisjd Re: Radar Detectors and other useful ideas - 07/15/02 07:41 PM
Come on, the post isnt that bad. I thought it to be kind of funny actually, and he made some good points. I have the Escort Passport 8500, and it works like a charm.
Phantom jammers are just boxes with LEDs and a plug on them. Laser jammers do work but only if the laser is targeted where the jammer is. Many courts won't let you off as easily as the boss says.
Posted By: JPett Re: Radar Detectors and other useful ideas - 07/15/02 08:22 PM
The majority of the time, cops give leeway of 5-10 over unless you are driving wreckless and swerving in and out of traffic, in which case, you should get a ticket.
Posted By: ValCor Re: Radar Detectors and other useful ideas - 07/15/02 11:13 PM
Originally posted by El Hefe:
Okay, I don't think that any of us can admit that at one point or another we haven't broken the speed limit. And I'm sure a great number of us have also experienced the wrath of our local pigs and have been written up a speeding ticket. Speeding and not getting caught is a topic that I feel very passionate about, so I will share with you some of my opinions on how to not get caught.

1) You only get speeding tickets on freeways/interstates/highways if you are not being careful. a) slow down before going by an underpass b) if you are going up a slight incline and can't see over the horizon slow down until you have leveled out or until your line of sight is further c) slow down before passing any gaps in the barrier between the lanes (what is that called again???).

2) When driving in town, very cautious during commuter hours and evenings. Be VERY cautious on Friday and Saturday nights. Don't take any big risks ecspecially in towns you are not familiar with. If you are in an out-of-state location, also be careful, because cops will target you. It's best to take it easy in town and not triple the speed limit to pass the Dodge Caravan before the road merges 500 feet ahead. A safe time to speed is during church on Sunday morning.

3) GET A RADAR DETECTOR/JAMMER!!! Anyone who can sleep well after spending 300 dollars on custom Ford racing floor mats (which I'm sure some of you are guilty of wink ), should be able to cough up 60-200 dollars for a good radar detector by Cobra or Viper. If you are willing to spend in the 300 dollar neighborhood, get the new Phantom II. It detects and jams radar of many sorts, and the manufactuer will even pay for any speeding tickets you get in the first year of owning it. But as I said, even a cheaper detector like a Cobra for 60 bucks will keep you safe.

4) If you pass a moving cop on the road and think he is gonna go after you, turn off the road you are on as soon as you can. Don't hesitate for him to turn his lights on. Go to some little off street, turn off your car and headlights if they are on and just keep it cool for a few minutes. Avoid driving on that same road if possible for at least an hour or so. Remember, if the cop hasn't turned on his lights or made it clear that he is following you, it's not illegal to take a detour.

5) If you get caught, don't try to rationalize your speeding. You can't. Just admit that you were speeding and be polite about it. Don't act nervous or angry. I've gotten out of tickets for going close to 20 over in a 25 this way. If you do get ticketed, DO challenge it in court. First time offenders almost always get off with just a drivers ed class, and nothing goes to your insurance. I had a friend get out of a 95 in a 55 ticket by going to court. All he had to do was write an apology letter.

Those are just some things I've kind of picked up from my years as a fast driver. Please share advice with me or your strategies. I'm all about not getting pulled over. Remember, cops are not our friends. They are different from you and me. The are the secret police of East Germany, the Gestapos of the Nazi empire, the...well you get the point. If we weren't supposed to speed, they wouldn't have given us small sedans with V6's in them. Good luck smile
It is not my intention to flame you, but you HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! You are all of eighteen years old! What the hell can you possibly know about speeding, radar detector use, and how to use them effectively together? You crack me up! I would love to see your face in court when the judge throws the book at your for vehicular manslaughter when you kill someone with your reckless speeding and shameful attitude. Slow down and live Dude before some "pig" gets to exercise his trigger finger on you. It is clear to everyone you don't respect the law or policemen. Pity the fool!
Posted By: PA 3L SVT Re: Radar Detectors and other useful ideas - 07/16/02 12:10 AM
I speed on the interstate. I have gotten 2 tickets and paid them both, no questions. (The 3rd one, my wife was taken the hospital and I was trying to get over there. Cop was cool and didn't show for the hearing like he told me at the scene. After that, and one gall bladder removal later, all is well.) Do the crime, do the time. I was guilty and I paid. Now, on to the fun:
Originally posted by El Hefe:
1) You only get speeding tickets on freeways/interstates/highways if you are not being careful. a) slow down before going by an underpass b) if you are going up a slight incline and can't see over the horizon slow down until you have leveled out or until your line of sight is further c) slow down before passing any gaps in the barrier between the lanes (what is that called again???).
Actually true. Anyone on the interstate should be driving carefully anyway, especially if travelling above the prevailing traffic speed. Part of that is being aware of what is going on down the road. If you can't see down the road - slow down, not just to save a speeding ticket but maybe to save a life.
2) When driving in town, very cautious during commuter hours and evenings. Be VERY cautious on Friday and Saturday nights. Don't take any big risks ecspecially in towns you are not familiar with. If you are in an out-of-state location, also be careful, because cops will target you. It's best to take it easy in town and not triple the speed limit to pass the Dodge Caravan before the road merges 500 feet ahead. A safe time to speed is during church on Sunday morning.

There is some good advice in here. You should always be careful when driving in unfamiliar environments. You should always be careful when driving in a residential area or a commercial area with pedestrians. (Drive up the main drag in town here at noon and it's like being the cars in Frogger.) I can't agree with the contention that there is ever a safe time to speed in town. You never know when little Jimmy DLK is going to jump out at you, or grandma is going to step out from between parked cars to get to church.
3) GET A RADAR DETECTOR/JAMMER!!! Anyone who can sleep well after spending 300 dollars on custom Ford racing floor mats (which I'm sure some of you are guilty of wink ), should be able to cough up 60-200 dollars for a good radar detector by Cobra or Viper. If you are willing to spend in the 300 dollar neighborhood, get the new Phantom II. It detects and jams radar of many sorts, and the manufactuer will even pay for any speeding tickets you get in the first year of owning it. But as I said, even a cheaper detector like a Cobra for 60 bucks will keep you safe.

Got my first two tickets with one of those cheapo detectors. A radar detector is a tool, not a license to speed. A smart careful driver going 75/55 will get less tickets in the long run than a stupid careless driver with a detector doing the same speed (in the long run). I have received no tickets since I bought a better detector, and some of that is to blame on wisdom and added care.

Oh yeah, most (if not all) jammers are garbage, and can actually get you a worse ticket than speeding (interference with an officer's official duty or something like that). And don't think that the radar operator won't know something is wrong - he's a better visual approximator of your speed than you think and will realize something funny is going on when the gun registers an error. I also thought that the "pay your speeding ticket" thing is limited as well.

4) If you pass a moving cop on the road and think he is gonna go after you, turn off the road you are on as soon as you can. Don't hesitate for him to turn his lights on. Go to some little off street, turn off your car and headlights if they are on and just keep it cool for a few minutes. Avoid driving on that same road if possible for at least an hour or so. Remember, if the cop hasn't turned on his lights or made it clear that he is following you, it's not illegal to take a detour.
Um, in PA, turning your headlights off to avoid police detection (doesn't matter if you turn off the car) is punishable by a license suspension (forget how long). Don't think a judge is going to be fooled by the "I pulled over to park in front of a house of somebody I don't know for no good reason" argument either. Chances are, the judge has heard it before. True, it is legal to turn off the road if the lightbar isn't activated but the headlight thing can be a problem if you are doing it for the precise reason of avoiding police detection.

5) If you get caught, don't try to rationalize your speeding. You can't. Just admit that you were speeding and be polite about it. Don't act nervous or angry. I've gotten out of tickets for going close to 20 over in a 25 this way. If you do get ticketed, DO challenge it in court. First time offenders almost always get off with just a drivers ed class, and nothing goes to your insurance. I had a friend get out of a 95 in a 55 ticket by going to court. All he had to do was write an apology letter.

If you plan on fighting the ticket - DO NOT admit guilt. The lesser punishment is up to the judge, and if you get a PIA judge and you admitted guilt at the scene, you would have been better off just sending in the fine.
Those are just some things I've kind of picked up from my years as a fast driver. Please share advice with me or your strategies. I'm all about not getting pulled over. Remember, cops are not our friends. They are different from you and me. The are the secret police of East Germany, the Gestapos of the Nazi empire, the...well you get the point. If we weren't supposed to speed, they wouldn't have given us small sedans with V6's in them. Good luck smile
Wait, I need to hear that again:
Remember, cops are not our friends. They are different from you and me. The are the secret police of East Germany, the Gestapos of the Nazi empire, the...well you get the point.
mad mad mad mad
You'll be singing a different tune the next time you need help from the police. They are the ones that are likely the first on the scene of a traffic accident, administering first aid. Heck, my aunt got a medal because she and her friend (also a cop) were off duty and witnessed a truck accident. She pulled the truck driver to safety and her friend pulled a civillian car driver to safety even though the truck was leaking chemicals. She's got the chemical skin burns to prove it (months later). They could have just pulled over, called it in on their cells, and waited for HazMat, but they are trained and sworn to help.

My uncle was on the scene of the La Plata, MD tornado and had his hand in keeping civillians safe and looters away. He's also delivered babies (although he swore he would never do that when he finished the academy and did 2 in the first year).

Now, think about the above statement again. Would you feel that way if you were the driver of the car the chlorine truck crashed into, or if your home had just been levelled by a tornado? Go ahead, call 911 and tell the operator the following: "Send me some Gestapo because I was just involved in an accident and I think I have injuries." Make any sense?
#4 is pretty stupid... I tried that one before and got a ticket. LOL! The only place it might work is if you're in city streets or something that the cops will have no way figuring out where you're going. I wouldn't suggest that eitherway. Just pull over before he turns his light on and hope he appreciate your move and let you go. My friend had actually gotten a ticket that way! He pulled over and waited for the cop to turn his light on behind him.

BTW, instant-on is not all that. Most cops (at least the ones I've seen) use the instant-on on almost every car, and that's what give you the warning.
El Hefe wrote:
Remember, cops are not our friends. They are different from you and me. The are the secret police of East Germany, the Gestapos of the Nazi empire, the...well you get the point.
  Godwin's law invoked.
Originally posted by El Hefe:
I had a friend get out of a 95 in a 55 ticket by going to court. All he had to do was write an apology letter.

Remember, cops are not our friends. They are different from you and me. The are the secret police of East Germany, the Gestapos of the Nazi empire, the...well you get the point.

Good luck smile
#1. That is bull$hit, and im talking from experience, im a cop.
#2. Hope that i never pull you over. You will singing a different tune one day you need them, or you wife maybe kids.
#3. Thats what you need budy..

you are officialy the #1 DUMBASS of CEG.

shot me a line one day

You know, I really wasn't going to say anything.

For starters I don't know how much of a brain you have up there and it seems to me you just made this post up to start problems. Then I looked at how much you typed and it must have taken some thought and time. So, maybe you are just a knucklehead.

Also, I take "great" offense to being called a pig. SO maybe when you're in my neck of the woods you can throw me some slop as I'm protecting your life, the community and our're a moron.

I have to side with everyone else on this issue. It is people like this to blame for the stereotypes associated with today's teenage drivers. I am only 18 years of age, so I don't have that much experience on the road, however I can tell you this fellow has no reason to be on the road. Some of your comments are just plain ignorant. You have no grasp of reality. Law enforcement is there for one help citizens. You make them out to be criminals or even worse with your comparison to the Nazi's. Get one thing straight, and I think I can speak for everyone who respects law enforcement and especially for the police officers of the world on this one, don't ever classify individuals who risk their life to protect and serve YOU with the individuals who aided in a mass genicide! Grow up and learn to accept responsibilities for your actions! If you speed, you deserve to get caught!
Posted By: mbesket Re: Radar Detectors and other useful ideas - 07/16/02 04:10 AM
The end of his post was the worst part. What a boneheaded thing to say about law officers. These people aren't just here to take away anybody's fun. They have a huge responsibility. They deserve our respect. They are doing a job that most of us are not interested in doing.

I could go on about this, but I'm sure there a more than a couple of people that would agree with me.

Now, about driving...IF you pay careful attention, and drive about the speed that most of the other vehicles on the road are traveling, you should have very little trouble with getting cited for speeding.

There's my four cents.

Posted By: Jonny V Re: Radar Detectors and other useful ideas - 07/16/02 05:18 AM
The biggest trick to speeding is KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! I bet 90% of tickets are because the "bogey" wasnt alert. CHECK YOUR MIRRORS!!

PA3L and skid123 had the best posts here IMO
You know, I'm not a big fan of cops, most of them are neighbor is one and my dad was one, both are/were asses...but just because most cops are bad, the good ones deserve respect. They save our lives, protect our property, and eat doughnuts (hey, someone's gotta do it laugh )I've had my fair share of bad cops, not because I was breaking the law, but because they were asses (i.e. driving home from a school basketball game during REALLY heavy rain and being pulled over "because I should get mommy and daddy's car home before it gets waterlogged". But cops are just doing their jobs, some do it better than others, every job has that problem. The problem with being a cop is that you only hear about the bad ones. Good ones are out there, just you dont hear about one unless you experience it...just respect and save the "pigs" for Mimi smile
Posted By: Pete D Re: Radar Detectors and other useful ideas - 07/16/02 05:42 AM
I am one of the 1st ppl who *****es about being pulled over for speeding on highways and whatnot. However, you my friend are a moron. You sound like the type of person who goes 105 in torrential rain in a 84 tempo with 4 bald tires.

PA3LSVT, has some very good points as well do a few others here, try at least being educated before you voice your opinion

We are now much dumber after reading that post.
Thank you and may god have mercy on your soul. wink Or something like that.
Posted By: Moe Re: Radar Detectors and other useful ideas - 07/16/02 10:36 AM
Originally posted by TommySVT:
I want the 2 minutes of my life back after reading this.
w3rd laugh
Posted By: Rara Re: Radar Detectors and other useful ideas - 07/16/02 12:42 PM
I'm just not gonna let this stupid discussion on cop-bashing go on any further.
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