Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: JayBrand New To Forum (looking to buy SVT) - 11/01/04 11:51 PM
Hi all, I am new to this forum and i am interested in picking up an SVT. I really dont know a whole lot about these cars because i have been working on my grand prix GTP for the last few years. Anyways, i was just wondering what to look for when buying an SVT, wondering what the lifespan is on the motors and trans, im not sure if i will mod the car or not because i have the GTP to mod and race. Im sorry if this is a bad place to ask this question but i just wanted to get some sort of idea what to look for.

Thanks a lot

Ps: searched but did not find what i was looking for.
Posted By: XKontour98 Re: New To Forum (looking to buy SVT) - 11/01/04 11:56 PM
I would suggest a 2000 SVT with low miles. As far as longevity goes its hard to say because mine is still running strong with 186K while others have had some problems with their engines btween 60-80k. I would look for 2000 wiht lite or no mods done to it and from a person who has kept up on maintainence, if they have the reccords even better. Preferably someone on CEG as they have access to the site and how to properly take care of issues. JMO, good luck!
Posted By: SmoothV Re: New To Forum (looking to buy SVT) - 11/02/04 12:02 AM
Posted By: JayBrand Re: New To Forum (looking to buy SVT) - 11/02/04 12:06 AM
When looking to an SVT, i was thinking somewhere around 60-80k on the car, i can do some minor stuff to fix it up, but if i am around that mile range and the car has little to no mods is there a such thing as a "fair" price. I know to look at KBB, but at the same time i dont find that very accurate, so im asking all of you becuase you have a lot more knowledge than i do about these cars and their resale values.
Posted By: DJ Capp 911 Re: New To Forum (looking to buy SVT) - 11/02/04 01:14 AM
their resale value is low, which is great for you. You will get one of these cars for far less than it's really worse. Sucks to be selling one, great to be buying one. A lot of people i've noticed have really babied their SVT's so you find a lot of them with very low miles
Posted By: Lee K Re: New To Forum (looking to buy SVT) - 11/02/04 03:11 PM
Common problems for the SVT Contour:

Water pump will fail (typically around 60K)
Wheel bearings will fail (around 90K)
Rear suspension will creak (there's a fix for this)
Blower motor switch will fail (recall)
Audio head unit will quit loading CDs
Power antenna will quit retracting
Catalytic converter will fail (around 80K)
Fuel pump will fail
Water will accumulate in trunk because of plugged drain channels around the tail lights
Rear bumper will sag slightly creating an unsightly gap
99 dashboards will warp (recall)

Things that will last:

Front brake pads last a long time
Clutch will last a long time
Leather interior is pretty robust
Motor is fairly strong

It's still a very fun car to drive, even though there are more advanced (and quicker) sports sedans on the market today. To your advantage, depreciation is horrific on this car, so you can pick up one fairly cheaply. Expect lots of little things to go wrong, with nothing major except for being stranded in a remote place when the water pump fails.

Posted By: Kremithefrog Re: New To Forum (looking to buy SVT) - 11/02/04 03:27 PM
Front brake pads depends on the pads and the driver. The rears will last a long time though for sure.
Posted By: Lee K Re: New To Forum (looking to buy SVT) - 11/02/04 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Front brake pads depends on the pads and the driver. The rears will last a long time though for sure.

I agree that driving habits make a big difference with brake pad wear. My SVT's experience were quite unusual, though, from what one would expect. My front pads and rotors were original when I sold the car after seven years and 100K. They still had another 20K of wear to go. My rear pads didn't make it to 60K before they had to be replaced. Go figure.
Posted By: Tuned3900SFI Re: New To Forum (looking to buy SVT) - 11/02/04 03:45 PM
The word WILL is very harsh. Not everyones wheel bearing, antennae, cd player, etc will fail. I had 116K on my svt and had not one thing go bad. I wasn't overly anal on mainanenece either, but I got what needed to be done when it should be done. My brakes were replaced for the first time at 89000 miles. A couple little things (iat sensor) and tps were replaced (bout 100 bucks together) and that was it. However, I did have an aftermarket radio and antanea (the stock one sucked, anyways) but other than that, I give you more positive reinforcemnt that some will. I say go for it. I'm in the market in the next 3 monts to buy a CEG'ers car (my second SVT) and I have test drove an amazing number of cars. From the mazda 6, rx8, that little acura (whats it called), focus svt, and several other similar cars... and nothing compare to the CSVT. Its got a nice subtly aggressive appearance. It has 4 doors and is very roomy. Loads of power, great reliabiltiy (many will vouge for that), and a good amount (not alot like your GTP) of aftermarket. Some onhere have turbocharged the engine, they make a supercharger, a couple guys on here a pushing well over 300hp at the wheel, so there is deffinetly potential to turn these into rockets. DemonSVT (check his ride out) is pushing 13.9 quarter mile, and thats just motor, no blower, NOS, etc. You can pick a 2000 SVT with probably 50K (check the classifieds, theres quite a few in there) for about 7500-9000. Ofcourse it depends on color, silver and green (they are more sought after, and the green is a rare color, some 250 made) will run you more than black or red. ANd aswell, depending on mods (wheels, exhaust, system, etc) will determine street value of the car. Kbb may say 7000.00 for a mint 2000 svt with 50K, but it is going to sell for a lot more privatly, somewhere around 9500-11000 (respectively). But you can pick up a good deal every once in a while. And it is deffinetly a plus to beable to know the hiustory of the car. I bought my CSVT with 89000 mile son it for 3000.00 from a pontiac delaership. I knew the guy very well that turned it in.. and was maintaind like the dickens. The guy who has the car now (who lives down the street from me ) now has about 126k and still runs like a top.

Sorry for the long post.
I have a 99 black CSVT, with 65K miles, and my clutch is excellent still...When I first got my SVT, I looked for one with slight to no mods, so I could do them myself, and thats the fun of it. But, alot of those minor problems can be fixed, either with a recall, wich the previous owners mite have already done, or by searching the "common problems" comlumn, and that will tell you the fix. Overall, you should love your CSVT....I know I do!
Posted By: JayBrand Re: New To Forum (looking to buy SVT) - 11/02/04 05:02 PM
Thanks for all the replys guys, I am going to start looking for a CSVT alot around the holidays, i need to get some money in line and sell my honda, but all the info that you all have provided me is going to help a lot. It seems that with this car as with many others that it all depends on which one you buy as to how long it will last. I really dont think i will mod it all that much because i spend all my money on the GTP. I just want something with 4 doors that is a stick, looks nice and is fun to drive so i think this car will fit in very well. Any more info would be great.

Thanks again!
Posted By: hondakilla Re: New To Forum (looking to buy SVT) - 11/02/04 07:12 PM
Thanks for the reinforcement on the reliability, i bought my 98.5 csvt over a year ago it now has 128,000 miles on it mobil1 at every oil change and i have not had to deal witha single problem on the car, the only thing i'm doing now is getting cross drilled rotors for it cause the stock ones are do for replacement so i went with the upgrade. I absolutely love this thing i had an A4 audi before it and this car stock will run circles around the A4. Although the svt focus may handle a little better the torque on the contour will plant u in your seat.
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