Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: JDuncan569 Attenion all KY CEG members! - 05/02/02 06:59 PM
I saw that one of our members is in need of a place to post pics of his ride. Everyone should be advised that we can host pics of your car at

Just email me the pics and I will post them for you in your own personal directory.


After I get them online, I will let you know the links so thay you may start referencing them.

Eventually, when I stop being lazy and lay out an actual webpage for the site, the pics will be incorporated in a member's rides section.

Catch everyone later,
Posted By: jb svt Re: Attenion all KY CEG members! - 05/04/02 08:09 PM
James, would that be a hint for me to sign up? I've actually been meaning to do so for awhile. Just haven't gotten around to taking the 3 minutes to do it.
Posted By: JDuncan569 Re: Attenion all KY CEG members! - 05/04/02 09:10 PM
Actually, no hint implied. I was simply making everyone aware they could do that, as I had not mentioned it before. Though you can't tell it by the amount of posting going on here, this is our actual forum, and as such, you are already included. The forum over at was created as a backup forum, but we have moved all of the OT chatter over there as well to save this forum's bandwidth. You are more than welcome to sign up there, but you don't have to for us to host pics of your ride. Just email them to me and it will be done within 24 or so hours.

Also, if a person wanted to do their own page for their car to display the pics as well as tell a little about themselves, that would be great too. Just as long as we don't go overboard using too much space and we limit the size of forum signature pics to 20K, then we shouldn't feel a hit in the performance of the site. The limit in size for pics used in your signature at other forums is important because of the potential bandwidth they can consume. If you post on a forum somewhere that has high traffic, and say that 100 people view the post in a day, then that would be just under 2MB of transfer for that one pic alone. Now, imagine you have several posts in that forum and others to boot. It doesn't take long til you burn up all of your available transfer bandwidth for the month. We currently have 1GB per month available. We have talked about changing where the site is hosted down the road, but for now that is where we are at. I think that will be fine for sometime to come.

Catch ya later,

PS. Send me your pics!
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