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Klasse Act

I pee with gloves on!
May 28, 2000
Palatine IL, USA
At high noon yesterday Clearchannel blew out over 1500 employees and the entire on-air staff at "The Fan" was let go. I knew something was amiss yesterday when Stoney and Wojo weren't on, my worst thoughts were realized this morning when Mike in Morning talked about it on my way to work. Those were some good guys and I guess I'll have to listen to "The Ticket", but its not going to be the same:nonono: What are your fondest memories of "The Fan":confused:
dude, you're not really going to like the ticket too much.
i listen to them to n from work........i know...don't ask why but i do.:shrug:
they are gonna beat your ears up all day long about the Lions.
If you listen to them, they also change their positions alot. I forget the names of the guys on afternoons (mike and terry?) but 3 weeks ago they were 100% against the Lions getting a QB out of the draft and now, they say the Lions should go after Stafford.:shrug:

I don't know......
good luck!
I thought I was hearing the tail end of this once I disconnected my ipod...1500 people let go, really? :shocked:

1850 is what I read on www.gregghenson.com:nonono:

There is no relationship built with the listeners on the Ticket like there was on the Fan, now I know the Fan came in about 7-8 years sooner, but still, they don't seem to have "regulars" who call in and if they do, they don't acknowledge them, that's for sure. I also like the sound bytes they played on the radio, either pertaining the listeners or things between themselves, makes you feel like your really apart of the show. I wonder how long this nationally syndicated stuff is going to last on that station because getting 3 hours of Jim Rome is enough for me!
There is no relationship built with the listeners on the Ticket like there was on the Fan, now I know the Fan came in about 7-8 years sooner, but still, they don't seem to have "regulars" who call in and if they do, they don't acknowledge them, that's for sure. I also like the sound bytes they played on the radio, either pertaining the listeners or things between themselves, makes you feel like your really apart of the show. I wonder how long this nationally syndicated stuff is going to last on that station because getting 3 hours of Jim Rome is enough for me!

I've listened to DFN for well over 10 years now, and while it's sad to see them go, the writing has been on the wall for a while now. Ratings have been awful and years of transmitter issues finally caught up to them. Good luck pulling them in after dark anywhere west of 275. And IMO a lot of the inside joke stuff can turn people off to a program... At the same time it's making the diehards feel like they're sitting in the studio, it's turning new listeners off who feel like they can never catch up on all the insider material and fit in with the club.

S&W had been mailing it in for quite a while, if you ask me. I'm sorry to see Baligian go because I thought he had a really good thing going. Another thing that has killed them over the past few years is the lack of a morning show that was worth a s**t. If you can't get people to tune in first thing in the morning and keep them there, you're fighting an uphill battle. That's what WRIF has been doing for the past 10-15 years.
Point taken about the inside bit stuff, I'm just being selfish:shrug: The reception at nightime was horrible, that's undenieable! I could never listen to the Piston playoff games when I worked afternoons inside the building, had to put it on the computer and watch the score change every couple minutes:rolleyes: As far as Sean goes, well, he was my favorite and I would call in about everyday to contribute to what they were talking about, especially the Lions! S&W were turning into an "old bit" and needed some freshening and the moring show has never been the same since Jamie and Gregg IMO. I hope Sean turns up somewhere though...PLEASE!
That sucks. The ticket is not nearly as good.

Well, at least you guys don't live in Lubbock, TX...no sports channels, talk channels, just country and I can't stand country music.
Stoney speaks on channel 7

Stoney speaks on channel 7


You can tell after watching it he's got alot more to say, but really can't as he doesn't want to burn any bridges, past, present or future. I hope Sean ends up somewhere though, this past week has really sucked:cry: There's no way in hell this format of all national all the time is going to make it here and I predict by the spring at the very latest something is going to change, it has too because noone I know is going to listen to that all day, outside of Jim Rome anyways. The Ticket is going to get all of the attention ofcoarse and someone is going to want to get in on that pie for sure!