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How to drive round a Roundabout (instructional video)


Veteran CEG'er
Nov 2, 2006
Ottawa, Canada
A lot of people in North America seem to be unfamiliar with roundabouts, they get all puzzled when they see one and yet they are even far worst when they have to drive through one. So I made a little instructional video of how to drive round a roundabout.

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read the rules buddy, wreckless driving is :nonono:

and posting videos supporting it is against the forum rules.
read the rules buddy, wreckless driving is :nonono:

and posting videos supporting it is against the forum rules.

Wreckless driving?

I am surprised how some people call taht wreckless driving while, the driver is in total control... As easy as it seems, you are not able to drive like that the moment you jump in a rear wheel drive car, let alone an underpower car such as that.

The speed limit isn't even being breached in this video...

Ooooooooooooooh..... that's what I've been doing wrong all these year!

....who am I kidding, I'm from Jersey. We know how to take a circle with authority!
Wreckless driving?

I am surprised how some people call taht wreckless driving while, the driver is in total control......The speed limit isn't even being breached in this video...
It is not "Wreckless driving". It is reckless driving!

"the driver is in total control", until he hits a curb or if another innocent "bystander" gets hit. The car will flip if it hits the curb. It is on a public road.

"speed limit isn't even breached". Doesn't matter. Read the rules.

14. ......Similarly, posting about your high-speed escapades on public roads is forbidden. Rara
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I actually miss traffic circles. I moved from New Hampshire to Michigan awhile ago and there are very few here. I used to hit the Portsmouth traffic circle every day to and from work. Timing is key when entering the circle and yield only as a last resort to avoid contact.
It is not "Wreckless driving". It is reckless driving!

"the driver is in total control", until he hits a curb or if another innocent "bystander" gets hit. The car will flip if it hits the curb. It is on a public road.

"speed limit isn't even breached". Doesn't matter. Read the rules.

14. ......Similarly, posting about your high-speed escapades on public roads is forbidden. Rara
Since i know this poster. I know none of this will happen LOL go mani
FYI, roundabouts and rotaries are completely different....

Yea, but no one here calls them "roundabouts" and even the signs leading to them say "traffic circle" or at least "circle"... Plus anyways, if you ever say "roundabout" here you will be laughed at (I know this from my own experiences)...

Entering vehicles yield
Vehicles in the roundabout have priority over the entering vehicle
Use deflection to maintain low speed operation
No parking is allowed
Pedestrians are (usually) prohibited from the central island
All vehicles circulate around the central island

Traffic Circle
Stop sign, stop signal, or giving priority to entering vehicles
Allow weaving areas to resolve conflicted movement
Some large circles provide straight path for higher speed
Some large circles permit parking within the circle
Some large circles allow pedestrians on central island
Mini-traffic circles with left-turning vehicles passing to the left of the central island.
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I don't even think there are any roundabouts here in Massachusetts to be honest. Maybe we have one but I don't think so...
I don't even think there are any roundabouts here in Massachusetts to be honest. Maybe we have one but I don't think so...

yes there is, right at rt 5 and rt 57 and again at rt5 and 147 right near the big E


and a traffic circle at rt3 and 4 in chelmsford not to far from Elky. But this one has lights.

yes there is, right at rt 5 and rt 57 and again at rt5 and 147 right near the big E


and a traffic circle at rt3 and 4 in chelmsford not to far from Elky. But this one has lights.


Neither are roundabouts. The first is definitely a rotary, and the second is kind of a rotary? There is a definite distinction between a roundabout and a rotary. A rotary is large and traffic moves at relatively high speeds, while a roundabout is MUCH smaller and traffic moves at much slower speeds. Additionally, NO roundabouts have traffic signals.
Neither are roundabouts. The first is definitely a rotary, and the second is kind of a rotary? There is a definite distinction between a roundabout and a rotary. A rotary is large and traffic moves at relatively high speeds, while a roundabout is MUCH smaller and traffic moves at much slower speeds. Additionally, NO roundabouts have traffic signals.

Ok, here is what you specifically call roundabouts, but they are still rotaries to me... "Rotary" is not even a proper term for either kind since it is like a New England thing, so IMO it can be applied to both :laugh:



This is a proper "traffic circle" since I can remember those in the circle need to yeild to the ones entering...

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