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Cold Air Intake VS Short Air Intake


New CEG'er
Feb 28, 2011
Cold Air Intake VS Short Air Intake

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Which of the intakes in the picture is better?? Wich got more horse power and improvement the aceleration? I´m readed much forums and there are 50%-50% of views.I know our cougars gets very hot under the hood. Now i have installed in my cougar the short ram with the mushroom filter but, i have the parts to convert it into the cold air intake. I dont know wich is better and so i asking it here. Someone test both air intakes on the dyno? Please answer me the people who tested the both in his cougar, or know very much about this.
I hace mercury Cougar.
Thanks from Spain
Def first one...you will get a lot of heat soak with the short ram air style unless you have a heat shield.
First. When i swapped my short ram for a true cold air, i noticed it ALOT. Especially after romping around a while, it never loses it "umph" like it did with the short ram. Its hard to believe that it makes that big a difference but it really does, and its very noticeable.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if the short ram intake looses power when compared to a stock SVT intake. Especially on a hot summer day. Not to mention how ghetto they look.
Can I just add that if you install a BAT short intake with K&N filter make sure there is clearance from the hood. Seems when I went way over the speed limit..the filter started rubbing
on the underside of my new hood. Luckily I found it before it caused major damage to hood or the filter...ouch...
The first pic - CAI are almost always better than SRI. That said, installing a heat shield (like the pudmonkey designed one) with an SRI is happy medium. I've got one with my (overpriced) SRI from Weapon-R and it seems to work really well. Had it on for about a week now and have abused the heck outta the car and I've not come across a single heat related issue yet.

But I do agree with everyone else - a CAI as show in the first image is the best solution, if you have the time, skill and patients to install it.