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back home...


Addicted CEG'er
May 28, 2004
Andover, MN
Well I just got back about an hour ago... 3 power bars and 4 full throttle energy drinks later. I had lots of fun this year. It was good seeing a lot of you again. Mark you did a fantastic job organizing everything we can't thank you enough. I'll see you all again next year! Drive home safe!
Totally agree. I just got home too. It was pretty fun though cept my ankle started to swell pretty good so no partying for me on Sat night :(
official back home thread

official back home thread

The first part of the Pennsylvania posse is back home ! We were gonna stay till tomorrow & head home monday like we usually do , but we decided at the last minute to bug out & head home caravan-style today w/LUCA & Checker'd SVT (after only a couple hrs. of sleep) . It'll feel good to sleep in my own bed tonight . Hell , it'll feel good to SLEEP tonight , lol . Late nights every night since we arrived wednesday ... :( . Had a friggin' blast though ! More later ... :zzz:
Aww hell...come on i made your night........ right :laugh:

Hey, what did I miss after I left the room?

We just got home about 15 minutes ago. Now I can get get some sleep. :)

Had a stop off to get some dinner with getsum111 so it set our arrival time back a bit but it was worth it.

It was great seeing everyone again and meeting some new people!
Im home too the flight landed in heat soak Fl right on time.! I cant wait for next year!

Oh yeah..... TAKE YOUR TOP OFF!
I made it back to GA, won't be home until Weds when Brent makes the 12 hour trip here. Another 6.5hrs to my place back in FL. Hope everyone makes it home safely.
now you have to smell Kyles feet for 2 days damn man.

Did he pick up a certain car he was mentioning?
We finally got home at 9:30 pm tonight.
We dropped off a couple things, secured the truck/trailer and immediately booked it to the Olive Garden to suck down some comfort food before they closed for the night.


We had an enormously eventful day.
I'm too tired to post about it now, but will definitely have stories to tell in the morning.
We finally got home at 9:30 pm tonight.
We dropped off a couple things, secured the truck/trailer and immediately booked it to the Olive Garden to suck down some comfort food before they closed for the night.


We had an enormously eventful day.
I'm too tired to post about it now, but will definitely have stories to tell in the morning.

any vag plates?
any vag plates?

lol no
But there was a cock plate on the wall of Sweetwaters.
(actually, the entire wall was papered in cocks)
