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2011 CEG Calendars

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New Member Classroom vulture
Sep 25, 2002
Waupun, WI
2011 CEG Calendars

15.99 + shipping
I make no profit from the calendars! The price will includes a $1 upcharge for each calendar. The proceeds will be donated to CEG.

Purchases were made of last years calendar up to March so they SHOULD be available through at least then.

Combine order with local CEGers to save on shipping.


I would also like to congratulate everyone that made it in.

Please do not complain about:
"<CEGer A> made it and <CEGer B> didn't?"
"Too many SVTs"
"Not enough pre 98s"
etc. etc. etc.

Some of the final full resolution requests were the first and second runner up to the final 12. That was in case one of the 12 didn't get the full resolution picture to me in time or in case there were other issues.

No particular order - month placement hasn't yet been determined.

Cover, thanks TourEnvy:

1. turboman57

2. CrazyTalkSVT

3. treelimb.1

4. imnotacop420

5. TourEnvy

6. alien_yet_familiar

7. Mac

8. The Digital Slacker

9. BrApple
^ :laugh: - I think you might have already......... :D

Just waiting for the final high res shot for the cover and the photochopping it needs. :drool:
Just cleared it ! haha - it has been filling up quick lately :eek: :crazy:.

Thanks - I was glad to help this year. As little as this might seem to some, the calendar is something I really look forward to every year. Thanks for the submissions everyone ;).
Oh JOE! - I'll have to see how it lays out in cafepress. Hopefully without a ton of distortion..... It looks like a clear picture, but I won't know for sure yet. :cry:
Oh JOE! - I'll have to see how it lays out in cafepress. Hopefully without a ton of distortion..... It looks like a clear picture, but I won't know for sure yet. :cry:

Thanks man. I'll cross my fingers.

Of all the friggen times for this to happen. I should have used Carbonite like Kim Comanndo told me to.

That cover is AMAZING!! (although I do see the colors going into the tires)

I'll definitely be buying one if not two of these!
Crap, that didnt show up on my other computer, but im seeing it now. Thank you! Im writing a note to fix that and will send out another to fuz.

Thanks for the uplifting comments.

Crap, that didnt show up on my other computer, but im seeing it now. Thank you! Im writing a note to fix that and will send out another to fuz.

Thanks for the uplifting comments.


Your more then welcome. That is some fantastic work. I wish I knew my way around those programs like that. From what I do know the work you did would have taken a great deal of time and patience. I think I just found my new background for my computer at work!
Good god, My jaw dropped when I say that Contour with all the colors. That is just amazing!!! Nice pics for this years Calendar.
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