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Where is the Break Booster vacuum line?


Veteran CEG'er
May 31, 2006
Magnolia, NJ
edit: i meant Brake Booster not break booster

Can someone post a picture of where this is located. I want to sea foam my engine and heard this was the best line to use as opposed to the vacuum lines on top of the UIM
edit: i meant Brake Booster not break booster

Can someone post a picture of where this is located. I want to sea foam my engine and heard this was the best line to use as opposed to the vacuum lines on top of the UIM

The brake booster line is one of the vacuum lines on the top of the UIM :confused:
Taken from the intake thread for reference:

That rightmost of the two intake manifold hoses should be the brake booster line is what he's saying.

the one I highlighted? or the one next to it? From which end do I do it #1 or #2? Or does it not matter?
I guess it doesnt really matter since you'll put a funnel in the hole anyway but the one you marked should be the booster.

the one I highlighted? or the one next to it? From which end do I do it #1 or #2? Or does it not matter?

the seafoam would have to be poured into the hole that the hose goes into. The end of the hose is easy to break, so.... be careful, cause the hole hose could be somewhat brittle. If you really insisted on doing it into a hose, you would have to do it into end #2. But when you do that, you will lose all vacuum in your brake booster, so leave your car idle for a bit after you reattach the hose before driving it so you can restore vacuum in your brake booster.

If you pull off end 1 you wont lose vacuum in your brake booster since there is a check valve there, just use a small funnel to add it directly to the manifold through the vacuum port.
all this talk about funnels.:confused: Heck, its a vacumm hose. Vacumm. Its been many years since I did this but your going to do it with the car running. You put the hose in the can, presto, its mt.
Only thing I didn't care for afterward. Every small exhaust leak I had was cleared out. Now instead of clogged up exhaust leaks I had nice and clear exhaust leaks!!!!!!!!:shocked:
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You want to use the one on the front/battery side of the car.

Hold the black bottom ring down and pull out the vacuum line from the UIM, next pull out the other end from the black rubber elbow at the rear of the motor. (Doing it this way will prevent you from having to flex the tube and possibly break it, getting it off the elbow side first)

Put the vacuum line back into the UIM with the line pointed skyward/upward angle.

Add Seafoam

Make sure your outside and in a well ventilated area

Also if this the first time this has ever been done on a motor with over a 100k make sure no one is going to give you a dirty look for the massive smoke screen :laugh: Don't be afraid to use 2 cans of Seafoam for very high mileage cars.

Finally it's ideal to due this right before your going to change the plugs.
ok guys i just did it. I used the method where i took some plastic tubing and taped it off to make a seal where the end of the vacuum line goes into the UIM. Worked quite well. I knew it was gonna smoke alot, but WOW it was crazy. All the smoke went right over to my neighbors house who luckily it seemed was not home at the time. Immediate results I noticed was a smoother idle and much improved throttle response.

Should I know change my plugs? The plugs are original from when I bought the car some 2 1/2 years and 20,000 miles ago. I guess it couldnt hurt
It cant hurt. If the car is running fine they may have cleared themselves but I've gotten a pair so gunked up that they had to come out.