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funny story


Hard-core CEG'er
Oct 8, 2005
SouthShore, MA
funny to some maybe, not me at the moment...so im at work today (im a carpenter) and im working on some finish work above this garage...mind you my car is parked right outside the window in front of the house...when i hear a cracking noise, i look out the window and there is a toyota corolla imbedded in my car! the dumb *explitive deleted* managed to hit my rear bumper which was parked on the oposite side of the road!!!! i came running down with guns blazing and just as im about to yell there is this 20 year old blonde chick crying her eyes out, now im not a dick but come on how do you hit a parked car!!!! apparently she looked down for a minute and sucks that much at driving that she changed lanes and went off the road completely to spank my rear bumper....rendering it useless...the thing is completely broken off from the pass. side exhaust all the way to the rear tire......i was/am horrified, sorry if comes off as me being a little angry...cause im very angry, haha, ill post pics when i can bare to go outside and look at it again
You're not coming across as angry at all, in fact I read it as bemusement. Entertaining that you physically typed "expletive deleted" too, heh

but anyway, sucks about the car but thankfully it's repairable damage!!
hey my parked car got backed into too! sorry to hear that, yours sounds a lot worse.

on the other hand i do have a slightly cracked bumper that may be looking for a new home if i can get the replacement cleaned up and installed. :wink:
hey my parked car got backed into too! sorry to hear that, yours sounds a lot worse.

on the other hand i do have a slightly cracked bumper that may be looking for a new home if i can get the replacement cleaned up and installed. :wink:

i appreciate the offer man, but that b!tch's insurance company is paying for all damage...im just hoping there isnt any other damage that my untrained eye is missing, she must have been doing a good 15-20mph...i went skiing last night and instead of driving my bro home when we got back into town i made him take my car home so i didnt have to look at it, haha, when i go pick it up ill snap off a picture so you guys can truly feel my pain :(
brought the svt to the insurance adjuster today...he looked it over, obviously needs a new bumper...there was some sheet metal damage behind the bumper cover, no damage to the metal bumper, scrapes all over my exhaust so he wrooe that down (nothing i would replace, could probably be cleaned up) and the camber or something is off with the rear wheel cause my steering wheel is over center by a quarter of and inch...that aggrivates me to no end while driving, so now i have to wait for the number game to be over and get this thing fixed

p.s. im having trouble loading pics, ill tr to load the software again tomorrow
Don't be surprised if the body shop finds even more damaged parts hidden under the bodywork and undercarriage. It happens all the time. Sounds like they are off to a good start at least.
My wife's old Cavalier RS got hit, while parked, in the same spot, three times by different people.

The first woman worked for the Post Office, which is about 100 yards away. This woman PLOWED into the passenger side door, denting the crap out of it. And was about to drive away! The house started "puking people" as my in-laws put it, and stopped her before she could get away. She had the audacity to tell my wife that she (my wife) didn't know how to drive! To which she responded "I was three floors up, in my bedroom... *I* wasn't the one driving!"

A year or two later, she lost a headlight, and a few months after that, a taillight to the same kind of stupidity from other people.


Good luck with the repairs, man... hope it all comes out alright!
well my insurance company is sending me a check for 2550 to cover the repairs, i wish i could post up pics on here but the new camera is giving me issues again, i should be able to have em up tonight
i look out the window and there is a toyota corolla imbedded in my car! the dumb *explitive deleted* managed to hit my rear bumper which was parked on the oposite side of the road!!!! i came running down with guns blazing and just as im about to yell there is this 20 year old blonde chick crying her eyes out,

tell me you at least got her number
tell me you at least got her number

haha, she went to High school with my younger bro (5 years younger) but the real kicker to the story is that she was leaving from her friends house...her friends house being my ex girlfriends little sister who also went to school with my brother...and wouldnt you know that my ex girlfriend was stopping by just as we are exchanging info...so of course she had to come over and do the total adult thing and act like i wasnt there, haha, it was such a good day!

anyways 2600 bucks in damage, havent brought it to the shop yet, waiting on a rear bumper from bill at team ford, the guy hooked me up, super cool to deal with