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Fun on a budget


I'm a dude, no really!
Mar 26, 2007
Well, since sitting at home all the time is no fun at all, and going out every night is just damn impractical, I thought I'd ask some of you what you do for entertainment without breaking the bank.

For example, do you eat in and then walk to a nearby watering hole for a few cheap drafts?
stay at home and empty the liquor cabinet?
followed by some stanky hot sweaty monkey sex? (minus the monkeys of course)

crack open a cold one and play some mouse trap on the ole coleco vision?
stay at home and empty the liquor cabinet?
followed by some stanky hot sweaty monkey sex? (minus the monkeys of course)

crack open a cold one and play some mouse trap on the ole coleco vision?

No Stocker?
Play Super Mario on the Wii (you can basically play any game you want on that system with out needed a chip mod...it is the coolest thing ever). Dr. Mario is normally the game of choice.

Bowling is another good thing to do.
gotta fix it :(

Oh, no! I remember now that it wasn't working.

I'd like the sit down version of Spy Hunter, but it's way too much cake to justify it. :cool: Not to mention I have nowhere to put it and the girl would be less than thrilled with it being in the house.

Sometimes, watching Miami Vice and working a few beers and cranking a few heaters (my buddy's term -- smoking cigarettes) is the way to go. Other nights, we go out for drives. These are sometimes aimless, and sometimes calculated, but often do not involve much beyond driving and shooting the bull. Thankfully, gas is not four bucks a gallon, as the Lincoln has been hovering around 16 mpg lately.

Recently, we treated ourselves to free frostys at Wendys via coupons. :cool: :laugh:
oohh frosty!!!
you just gave me craving...gotta with the red headed step child at some point tonight now!
Another one of my favorite things to do during the winter is heat up the sauna to a nice 215 degree.
Play Super Mario on the Wii (you can basically play any game you want on that system with out needed a chip mod...it is the coolest thing ever). Dr. Mario is normally the game of choice.

Bowling is another good thing to do.

Super Mario 2 would be good. Of course, there's the stumbling block in my case of not having a Wii.

Bowling is good. There was a great place near us called the Wright Brothers Bowling Center (no relation to the aviators that I'm aware of -- perhaps they're the namesake). It had not been touched since I'm guessing the late Sixties. All the ball return equipment and decor was like walking right back into that era. It was very cool. Sadly, the place closed shortly after we visited.
Another one of my favorite things to do during the winter is heat up the sauna to a nice 215 degree.

Doesn't that seem a trifle warm? Seems like hotter than boiling would melt your pecker off.

Is this thing external? I bet the walk back to the house when it's -15 is rather bracing.
Doesn't that seem a trifle warm? Seems like hotter than boiling would melt your pecker off.

Is this thing external? I bet the walk back to the house when it's -15 is rather bracing.

It promotes a nice sweat, I will say that much. It is about 100 feet from the house (at my dads...we normally have one every sunday) It is a small structure, about 14x8. With a section for changing and the other section has the benches and the stove (wood burning...none of that stupid electric crap). So, having a full wood burning stove in a room that is about 8x8 while burning mainly birch and jackpine gets a little warm. We have it to where there is a tank for water hot and cold....the hot is heated up via pipes running into the stove and returning to the holding tank.

It is rather nice in the winter when it is a nice cozy -45F outside walking back to the house. It actually feels nice outside after sitting in 200+ degree temps for a 1/2 hour. in the summer it doesn't feel as nice. :laugh:
snorting vodka out of the cap and then putting my head on the end of a baseball bat and spinning around in circle...followed by some quality time with Miss Michigan...good times :)
Rock Band 2, hit up OnDemand or rent a movie. Once we make a couple of purchases and setup a couple of range memberships, it'll be a run to the range to squeeze off a few rounds, wash up, and have some dinner at home.
Rock Band 2, hit up OnDemand or rent a movie. Once we make a couple of purchases and setup a couple of range memberships, it'll be a run to the range to squeeze off a few rounds, wash up, and have some dinner at home.

Nothing like a little cordite on your rice. :laugh:
a movie on demand is one heck of a deal compared to going to a movie.
I'm also a fan of the $5 value bin at walmart. Almost my entire collection of DVDs is comprised of $5-$15 movies. I think the cheapest I have is Galaxy Quest found at Best Buy for $2.99 -- granted it wasn't all that spectacular of a flick.

to pass the time:
- go for a long drive (wasn't cheap this summer though)
- movie at home
- walk around a city
- bike ride in the country / trails
- sleep :laugh: