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Should I Total My 95 6cyl at LX


Sep 18, 2000
richmond, va
Vandals in my city have done some keying & denting on my car. My insurance adjuster told me this week that the cost to fix was more than the car was worth so it would be essentially totalled if I pursed a claim. Has anybody experienced this. Should I just pay to have it fixed, drive it with the dents & keyed marks, or go ahead & take the $1400 & get a salvage title. I will be able to get collision insurance on it but not any more comprehensive or uninusred motorist coverage. Plus guess no one will want to buy a car with a salvage title if I do want to sell it.

Any suggestions as the best way to go?
I had a 84 Plymouth Gran Fury, that i hit someone with, ended up just breaking the headlight and bending the fender on it. They totaled it because they could not find any local parts for it.

I now have a 96 Contour that seems to break down every 2 months, and wish i still had my old car.

What i am trying to tell you is if you have space to store it, you should keep it for emergencies. I wish i had my old car to drive when my car breaks down now.
Should I total my 95 LX

Should I total my 95 LX

They will pay me $1400 for the car but I will not be able to get comprehensive or collision coverage ever again just liability. So if there is other damage I am on my own as far as repair costs. Or they will pay me $590 for door & mirrow damage on one side & not total the car.
If it were my car, I would total it, take the cash and invest it (or put it in the bank). Then drive the car as is.

At 13 years old, it is time to go with liability anyway. I haven't done it for mine as it is only a savings of $10 or so per month.
Like i said, just use it as a spare.

Park it somewhere..and if it gets more damage done to it where you don't/cant fix it, then get rid of it.

It is always good to have a back up though.
Take the money and run!

Seriously though, take the money and drive it as is. Who cares if you have a slavage title. If you try to sell it later anyway, you wouldn't get $1400 for it even with a good title.
Should I Total My 95 6cyl at LX

Vandals did some body damage on my car a couple of weeks back. Insurance company says amount to repair is more than the car is worth so are paying me $1400 & I get to keep the car.

I am wondering whether to fix the car. Do things come to a point where the car is too old mechanically to get parts for it? I know last year the cable to the gas pedal broke & it tood forever to find the part.
welll if u are going to part it out, i will buy the fround engine mount from u ... since i need one, i broke mine on my CSVT.. :(
Should I Total My 95 6cyl at LX

I would rather sell it to somebody who would want to restore it rather than part it out.

It has been such a good car. Bought it with 77,000 miles & now have 160,000 with no major problems except the current transmission leak.
Should I Total My 95 LX

Should I Total My 95 LX

Actually I'd like to restore it. It has been such a good car. I can't believe it's a 95 Ford Contour. I bought it used in 2002 & driven it almost 100,000 miles.

But to restore I'd have to fix the transmission leak & paint the car. Which I guess would be aroung a $5,000 investment.

What else can I expect to go at 160,000 miles? Do the engines finally just give out & then with a car so old you can't find parts when it breaks down.
What else can I expect to go at 160,000 miles? Do the engines finally just give out & then with a car so old you can't find parts when it breaks down.

Almost any modern car should last to 200,000 miles if maintained properly. I've put over 250,000 miles each on the last two cars I've owned and in both cases, the engines are/were as sound as the day I bought the car new.

Engines usually don't just give up and quit, unless you're seriously abusing them. Usually its things like leaks, burning oil, bearing knocks that over time lets you know the engine has seen better days. There's no reason an old engine can't be kept running almost forever if you want it to. Most people simply get tired of a car and get rid of it long before the engine's worn out. Or other costly problems such as body rust or transmission problems kill a car long before the engine dies. You can usually find parts for many many years after an engine is out of production. Lots of antiques still running out there, and there's going to be parts available for popular engines like small block Chevy V-8's around long after most of us are dead and gone. :laugh:
Should I Total My 95 6cyl LX

Should I Total My 95 6cyl LX

Is the 6 cyl engine in this car still being made? Someone told me it is a Mazda engine.

To replace this car I need an automatic. I'll be the manuals are better transmissions & easier to maintain though.