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May 22, 2007
its not as bad as it sounds. Some guy rearended my SVT going probably less than 5mph...no noticable damage, except that to my rear bumper...I had an estimate done and for a remanufactured bumper, resprayed and stuff, it will be $1,400. I think I have her insurance to pay for the damages, however my question is.....what are the odds they will just send me a check with my name on it??? is that likely? if so, I don't think I will fix the bumper at this time, as I have other repairs pending.

$1400? Are you kidding me? That is an absolutely outrageous price IMO. I'd get the bumper fixed and take the rest of the cash and fix other crap on your car!
yeah, I thought it was way outa line too! they said a remanufactured bumper would be around $900......Do you think the insurance company will cut ME the check, and then I can do with it what I want??? is this what they normally do?

my gf's car got in a little fender bender and they cut her a check but she never used it she just sent it back and is going to get it fixed on her own
yeah, I thought it was way outa line too! they said a remanufactured bumper would be around $900......Do you think the insurance company will cut ME the check, and then I can do with it what I want??? is this what they normally do?


When I got into an accident they cut me the check and I could do whatever I wanted with it...
as long as you didn't do anything wrong yes they should just cut you the check, I got rear ended and they cut me the check and told me to do what I wanted with it! Easy 600bucks and it was the beater it wasn't bad at all!
any time I have received an insurance check it had my name and the body shops name on it, we both had to sign off on the check too. Im sure every state is a little different though when it comes to this kind of stuff.
My parents own a body shop and thats how it always is but in cases like this different here, because what if you were driven a pos beater with damange already idk like you said everystate is different hopefully it works in his favor and he gets it in his name!
1100? price must have went down. three years ago it was 1375 for a unpainted bumper when i was rear ended:shrug:
$1400 is not a crazy price if we're talking about an SVT. The bumper alone is over $1000 so I'd say that price is pretty decent.

Through CEG, it can be done a lot cheaper though.
On here you could buy a bumper in pieces and have it repaired and painted for $1000.
Liberty Mutual wrote a check in my name and i used it to repair the car. Technically, you could do whatever with it though.
well guys, it sounds like i'll get a check written in my name. yay. I have other things on the car I need to fix, besides the bumper, which is not too bad. I'll post pics when I can.

The insurance company will evaluate the price with their estimator, and issue you a check for the amount off the computer estimate, minus your deductible, in your name.
The insurance company will evaluate the price with their estimator, and issue you a check for the amount off the computer estimate, minus your deductible, in your name.

Thats how i got my check years ago.
I wish someone would rearend me. I have a mint bumper sitting in my backyard.

One should not wish bad karma until himself...

People get re-ended at 15mph and have back problems for the rest of their life. Its really a good thing to get hit by another car...
"The insurance company will evaluate the price with their estimator, and issue you a check for the amount off the computer estimate, minus your deductible, in your name"...
this is true if you go through your own insurance but you would be foolish to do so. Submit the claim through the insurance carrier of the party that hit you. Get a couple of damage estimates from independent repair facilities so that you can compare it to the estimate provided by the other parties insurance carrier. If in the same ball park, no problem. If they low ball you show them the other estimates and ask why thier's is so low. Once an estimate has been "agreed" upon, they should send the check to you, the OWNER of the vehicle. They have the right however to make the check out to you and a lien holder (finance company) if one exists and they so desire. Now if you do go through your own carrier and they issue the check to you and you cash it and do whatever you want with it, it's not a problem unless you once again sustain damage to the same part of the car and you try to file a claim for it. Unless you provided them with proof of repair from a facility of YOUR choice, (or take the car to them so they can verify and take pictures of repaired area) they will subtract from your new claim the value of the previous claim. I should note, this is what applies in New York State and yes, sometimes there are differences that occur for various reasons, ie; a mistake - be it honest or dishonest, a less than knowledgeable insurance adjustor, a stupid insurance adjustor, an insurance adjustor that was bribed in one way shape manner of form.....lol. Oh and for the record, I was a Senior Claims Examiner for Liberty Mutual Insurance Company for 5 yrs and "I PLEAD THE 5th"!!!!!