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last night the unthinkable happened


Jul 4, 2005
Last night while at work the unthinkable happened. my car was hit by a drunk driver. She tboned the car to the point that the roof was touching the hood of her carby the windsheild. luck me wasn't in the car at the time she did the damage. the dumb woman just turned 21 a week ago and wants me not to make anything of this. I'm now without a car thanks to her stupid act and she wants me not to fill a claim? She said I had purpously parked my car where I did so it could cause the accident. My car was parked 100 feet off the road yet facing it in the parking lot at work. I saw the officer crack a smile like he wanted to laugh at her statement. The wreckers had a hell of a time pulling the 2 cars apart. Me I plan to sue her for hitting my car which was parked. I now must start looking forward to red tape hell as I begin my look for a new car. Next week sometime my insurance agent will be sending an adjuster to look at the car. I already know I wont get the money I need to find a desent replacement, but atleast this dumb princess will hopefully learn a lesson out of all of this.
Sad to hear. If you are taking her to court you should be able to get all your expenses covered including a car rental till you find a replacement. A guy at my work just had this happen to him but his car wasn't written off. He even sued for the future loss because the car had been in an accident, and as such would have a lower resale value.
:mad: Some people ...
I'm sorry. :cry:
At least you weren't in the car, it could have been much worse.
Definetely keep track of all of your expenses for the rental, etc.
Maybe she will learn a lesson, hopefully. It's good that the police were there to witness her rambling and will note her demeaner in his report.
Keep us updated.
so she wants you to not file a claim, yet she was drunk, and there were police officers there?

did she get arrested for DUI?
Most likely what will happen is your insurance company will examine the car, issue you a check, then go after her for the money. And chances are her insurance company will pay it. But they can go after her in court for the money. I doubt you will ever spend a day in court because you wern't in the car. It will all be settled out of court by insurance companies.
Sorry to hear about your car :cry: . That sucks .

Trust me , the $$$ that the insurance company will give you will not be that impressive - and will most likely not be enough to find a viable replacement . That fact sucks too :mad: . I hope I'm wrong about YOUR ins. co . ...
That really sucks. Glad that you were not hurt though. I know exactly what you are going through right now. My Mystique was totalled on the highway while I was 800 miles from home. The other person's insurance company (Metropolitan) paid for a rental but not for the insurance on the rental. They gave me $2800 for my 96 Mystique which had about 88,000 miles on it. You might make out better than you think. Hope all goes well for you.
It sucks that she hit your car, but none of it was your fault and the police know that, so it shouldn't affect your insurance in any way. Maybe its time to look for an SVT... ;-)

On a side note, it seems like people seem to care less and less about drinking and driving. I was out with some friends the other day and someone, who im not friends with was telling a story... He said that someone that worked at McDonald's had a customer go through the drive-thru drunk and they told him to wait a few minutes because they had to cook the food fresh and to pull over and wait. The cops came and busted them for DUI. This kid said that he thought they shouldn't have called the cops because it is his choice to drink and drive. Yes, it is his choice, but its not necessairily his/her life on the line, usually its someone completely innocent that gets hurt. I almost got up and punched the kid... I was thinking to myself, wow, morals in society really have gone to ****...

Back on topic... :)
Uh, I don't know about that, I'm pretty sure a lot more people drove drunk in the '60's and '70's, it's just more prevalent now because it's against the law IMO. Sorry to hear about your car man, but you weren't in it at the time which is good, and that drunk girl should get some of what's coming to her.
great news

great news

I have just got the title on another tour of the same year and color. I have an awsome allstate agent that worked hard to make sure I got a replacement tour. It is still a i4 but its in better shape than mine when it was hit. This one has 110k miles on it and has a home made warp fix done. I have done an ok job at debadging it but I'm not concerned since I just have to wait until spring when I have it painted. I am giving this tour the love mine never had.
Congratulations on your new Contour! Glad to see things got worked out. That was really cool that your insurance agent helped you find a replacement Contour. Good luck with the new Contour!!
Congrats on the new tour. :cool:
I'm glad that everything worked out for you. It's nice having an agent that goes the extra mile to help a client.