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Installation meet

I have a VSS here for mine if I can't find one tomorrow. They are about $30 brand new if I can't come across one for you. There were 2 different styles used in 98 that make it difficult to find but I will look.

Robert should come by.
I haven't heard from him and I have some jack covers he wants. And one of his ratchets too.
Robert should come by.
I haven't heard from him and I have some jack covers he wants. And one of his ratchets too.

Wait did I miss the announcement of another meet? I definitely could use those jack hole covers. And ratchets are good. Did you notice any of your tools missing? I haven't noticed any, but you saw my tool boxes.
I just noticed that I had a neused 3/8 ratchet. There wasn't any announcment really. The car still isn't charging. I couldn't get over there last weekend so we're going to try again this weekend. We replaced the mega fuse when you weren't looking.

So I'm going to try a junkyard alt and go through the wiring again. There has to be a break in there somewhere that I'm missing.
Either Sat or Sun is good.

Today I took the car out again. For some reason, I found the passenger's front side window does not go down. It was never like that. And I also found the driver's side master window control's kid lock (which can dis/enable the other window switch) seems broken. Again, I have never messed around with that. It may be just off hook or something.

Oh, Mike can show you the new fishing magnet version 2. :laugh:

Hey Mike, do you think I should order a new VSS at a Ford dealer or what?
BTW, the past 3-4 weeks, I finally got the reason to drive the 9-2X every day. It has become much more enjoyable driving that little thing. When you guys show up this weekend, we may find another reason to bring it for a spin. :laugh:

I called Trevor earlier this evening asking the type of VSS. He confirmed it is the older type, not the newer one. I hope this info helps.

So guys do we have a day for the install meet, part two?
saturday or sunday will work. As of Saturday, I'm quasi unemployed so I'll have time. :laugh: Now a full time contractor which is either going to be a windfall or pitfall for me. :crazy:

I wouldn't bother with a new VSS from Ford. I have one that will work.
The switch, unless it's ever been taken apart, wouldn't just come unhooked. They are held in rather well. Just one other thing to look at. And believe it or not, I have one of those around here too. And we'll do the antenna too.

I'll be bringing some tunes too.
How about Saturday instead.:eek: I just remembered that I'm going to meet up with the truck club at Capitol Raceway on Sunday.
Then Saturday it is!

What time? 9:30 am?

I have some parts coming in tomorrow. They were supposed to be here today but that didn't happen. I can be there around 10:30.

No test alt today Rick. Between the Veterans Affairs guy going long this morning and the rain, I couldn't do much. I'm pretty sure that we won't need one anyway.
Thanks to Mike, we had a very great, fulfilled day.
Most importantly, the car starts to charge again! Now I can finally drive my car without worrying it will die somewhere on the road again!

Thanks Mike!
Yeah, I'm glad that we figured it out. And I can't believe it was a bent clip on the harness that kept the plug from staying on.

I'll make sure to get a new switch tomorrow for you.

And Robert, you suck:nonono: I'm expecting some damn good stories too.
I was expecting a much better story out of you.

Now, go to your room, think of a better story and then come back here. If you need to, you may go to an extremely slutty member of opposite sex, do nasty things, and then think of a story to tell.