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Old Skoolers

you must drive more than I do every week.

When I get more room in the garage, I might be willing to host some maintenance meets this summer.
Who knows, I drive thru Annapolis everyday.

I have Marshall air tools and a full set of Craftsman, so we could make my meet a full day.

i will bee down for whanting to meet up but my peice is on jacks. the Damn alternater is done for. car wont even stay runing! so i sent it our to be rebuilt for 200 amps. my system is way to powerful for my car also with the tvs its just kills my ride. i havent posted very much since ive been busy but this summer i plan on getting with other tour owners. let me know when and i be on it

You are welcome to join even if you are not driving a contour!
I remember one time I went to a local meet and there were only 2 or 3 'Tours.
well then im going to have to see whats going on for that day. i just gotta know a date. but is anyone going to some shows this year?
well maybe i will try but from what i have experinced so far on this site i dont think i would wanna meet with anyone on here....they a bunch of d-i-c-k riders of bagged. :censored::censored::censored::censored: this joiint
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msot folks on here have never been a fan of custom work. Every single time that anyone over the years has shown up here with any sort of custom work basically gets run out of here.

It is so asinine because there have been many, many trophy winners and they're seen as pests and beneath everyone.

Stick around and do your thing.
msot folks on here have never been a fan of custom work. Every single time that anyone over the years has shown up here with any sort of custom work basically gets run out of here.

I think it's mostly due to several individuals who have offered some very nice custom mods or things similar that you can't get anywhere else and then burned the hell out of people. That's probably why they have gotton run out. I think it sucks as the people that have pushed the limits and done "custom" things for these cars have made worthwhile improvements for many of the contour owners.
I just never understood the overall closemindedness towards custom stuff around here.

Alot of the things I see aren't something I'd have in my driveway. But I'm not about to slam someone for putting their creative process out for everyone to see. And then they have the nerve to make it so uncomfortable for that person they end up leaving.

It's just...I'm lacking words at the moment....
umm its called having an opinion, if you come on any site post pics of your car and expect not to get any constructive critisism then your living in a dream world.
umm its called having an opinion, if you come on any site post pics of your car and expect not to get any constructive critisism then your living in a dream world.

Thats the thing. Most if the time its not "constructive" criticism. It's just bashing
Who knows, I drive thru Annapolis everyday.

I have Marshall air tools and a full set of Craftsman, so we could make my meet a full day.

Sounds very cool!

I just had the alternator die on me while I was driving. I haven't done any test because I didn't have a multimeter with me when it died. If the alternator indeed is the problem, I guess I will have to buy a new one, and bring lots of beer and order pizza there. :laugh:
oh i will i apprciate the help in there but that bugs me the most....i post something out there for the first time and i get :censored::censored::censored::censored: like that? thats bull. i am going to stick around but its mostly the people from michigan area and are a bunch of cock riders of bagged and just so want to be him.....so anything remotly new being done to the car that hasnt really be done from i see to it gets there panties in a twist. screw it i just could never post up like that again.....that get my blood pressure high...lol...thanks though...my area stuck up for me and i appreciate it...htnaks again
its not that its great because i did it its the calibur of work that i do. maybe a little less flapping your gums and a little more paying attention you might learn something:shrug:
i undersdtand that but as anyone could see nothing has been finished....i had said that i do this for a living as bread and butter but it gets hard to come home and mess with a car when you have done it all day.....i get what you say but also gotta look as that i am no where near finished....i got things that will be getting done out the wa zoo but i probly will not post them again...just wont...a little idea was maybe Q45 head lights

That's one thing you need to learn real fast. Only post pictures when it is ready and looks good, and be ready for a ton of criticisms. You are not the first and I guarantee you won't be the last. I have posted criticisms in the past at other CEGers, not necessarily the looks but the way it was presented in the thread. You should know, this is the internet and anybody can post anything they want (within the confines of the rules set up by the Admins).

One other note. The Moderators are just enforcing the rules as set by the Admins. If you don't like the rules you need to PM the Admins with your suggestions. Don't take it out on us.;)
wasn't this a thread about the Old Schoolers getting together...how did it get so far off topic ?

So yeah...I'm still around and kickin' just don't stop in so much since the SVT and all my parts I never installed have been sold. All the sold SVT parts have replaced themselves with new parts for the TTA. Should be looking at low 11's this Spring/Summer with my new mods (New GT6776e Turbo, progressive Alcohol injection, 65# injectors, Walbro fuel pump, fully built race trans with trans brake and billet 3600 stall converter are among the upgrades). Oh yeah and it will still look pretty much stock...M/T Drag Radials are kind of a give away though ;)

I'm up for a old gang GT if it's not hours away...just say when and where.
