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Jesus, Wth?


Mod/Salad Tosser
Feb 7, 2005
Eastern PA
You know sometimes things just always seem to be in the :censored::censored::censored::censored:ter...

I can't go to the meet tomorrow cause I need to meet up with people at school to catch up on work already and its only the second freakin week. :nonono:

I've spent every night this week in the damn science building do work to at least 9:30-10...

I was suppose to go to the meet with some girl, but apparently we're just friends.

I'm 21 and have no freakin free time to enjoy it...

...and not tonight I was suppose to go unplanned to a bar with a buddy for his birthday (which was yesterday) and I only get to see him over christmas or during summer IF I have time off from work. When I go to leave tonight I back up and my freakin door opens itself...

...needless to say after about an hour and a half my freakin door works again for no reason, but I need to pull the damn door panel off and stare at it to make it work...:nonono:

I think I'm gonna run the cavalier into a tree just because it would probably completely my week at this point, or jump start this one cause now its 1 am for a new week. *sigh*

:End rant:
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Wow and I thought I had it bad with my car still not working after all the work I did and the issues my girlfriend and I have been having...

But I know how you feel. My only free time is usually not until after 11 at night which is why I don't get much sleep anymore. Hope things get better for ya though. School work sucks and no matter how hard you try, things still end up not getting done until the last minute:nonono:
I think the worse of my school work comes from a professor that I have two classes with. Both the courses seem kinda unplanned in advanced. Like he's outline the course two days in advance. We're suppose to be doing Strength of materials and via our book we do not use any matrices, well he wants us to do the problems through matrices, and guess what they are taking ten times freakin longer because we're doing 12x12 and 16x16 matrices in mathmatica and they dont solve outright. I could have the problems done 40 times already but I spent so much time dicking around in mathmatica only to still get the wrong output. :mad:
I think the worse of my school work comes from a professor that I have two classes with. Both the courses seem kinda unplanned in advanced. Like he's outline the course two days in advance. We're suppose to be doing Strength of materials and via our book we do not use any matrices, well he wants us to do the problems through matrices, and guess what they are taking ten times freakin longer because we're doing 12x12 and 16x16 matrices in mathmatica and they dont solve outright. I could have the problems done 40 times already but I spent so much time dicking around in mathmatica only to still get the wrong output. :mad:

Yep matrices suck. Thank god I haven't had to use them for anything in like 3 or 4 years. I wrote a program in BASIC back then that could perform various functions on matrices, but it has disappeared over the years. That program made things 100 times easier.
Luckily my last semester of high school is going to be a breeze. I have journalism I which wont be bad at all, special interest where im creating a sports website in photoshop then coding it in dream weaver and possibly throwing in some flash and then have to keep it up and running. And then i have Econ which is well, a nice way to end the day at school. Come noon, i leave for lunch and go to the big 33 for my internship which is awesome. Im really going to enjoy this semester.

And then in August the rude awakening of college is going to happen where i will be up late working on stuff like you.
Just to throw this out there, Scott, but you are using something like a graphing calculator to solve them, correct? I remember solving large matrices by hand in college, :nonono: :cry: :help: . Not much fun. Now, when I'm teaching them, I stick with 4x4 or smaller, just so the kids know the basics of solving them.
Wow, haven't heard of that program in about 8 years, I used it when I taught at Seneca Valley, an honors pre-calc class. My condolances. :laugh:
I know what you mean. On weekdays I am either working, studying, or in class. Any "free" time I have is spend catching up on sleep or grabbing some food on the go. Once you finish college you'll have that time back. Hang in there :cool:
Look at these experiences as opportunities to develop some tolerance and patience...both of which will be put to good use as you get a little older and wiser. :)
Argh its saturday night, and its was my brother's birthday celebration. I'm so glad I got work done before 7pm. I don't think I can solve quantum phys right now. lol

Any want to try?

Consider this matrix:


Find the eigenvectors; show they are orthogonal.

For anyone who needs refreshing, eigenvectors are the state at which the operator omega will be multiplied by the matrix to equal the null vector (or null space, aka [0,0])

To show they are orthogonal just take the dot product of the two eigenvectors that are solved from above. :laugh: it should be zero of the two are orthogonal, if not, the vectors are not orthogonal.

Orthogonal means they are perpendicular, perpendicular means that the vectors are seperated by 90 degrees.

If you don't know what I mean by vectors, its hard to explain cause vectors are the x and y components of an "arrow" if you think of it that way.

like if you have a vector that is one unit in the x and one unit in the y, the length is: sqrt(1^2+1^2)=sqrt(2)=~1.41

normalizing the vector gives you (1i+1j)/(sqrt(1^2+1^2)=(1i+1j)/(sqrt(2)

that might be enough for ceg to help me with the mathmatical part of my quantum physics. laugh:

I expect solutions by tomorrow, I think I'm gonna go through a movie in and watch till I fall asleep.

:laugh: Holy freakin crap.

I know we're not suppose to 'drunk' post so I may get slapped for owning up, but by 1:20 last night I was way into a bottle of Yukon Jack, butterscotch shnapps, and apple vodka.


my drunk post > glenn's former drunk posts > drunk post thread in OFT
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