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This is like...a lot of snow.

as of yesterday afternoon i had just over a foot.
and this morning there is at least another foot out there!
this sucks
my snow blower isnt running up to snuff, i rebuilt the carb yesterday but it still wont run any better and now i have to run it with the choke completely closed for it to run at all.
fuggin 30 year old snow blowers!
we got like a inch or so..now its just raining here in the southerntier of ny. we were supp. to get like 5 inches last night,and another five today:shrug:
We made the mistake of filling up on pot roast and beer before the last plow of the night came by. Unfortunately the freezing rain had been coming down too, so the snowplow leftovers were a bish to clear!
oh well
Got a workout out of it. Hopefully I can walk in the morning. lol
I cleaned out the Maxima several hours ago. Haven't done the SVT. Maybe tomorrow... lazy ....
Good luck chiselling it out of the ice, lazybutt. ;)

And I spoke too soon. They friggin plowed AGAIN right after my post.
I dunno what else they could have plowed except maybe pushing the edges outward a little more. Unnecessary. Go home stupid plow guys!
we have around a foot of snow in springfield.. and theres talk of more storms thrusday night friday and again sat sunday. its deff gonna be sunny and 70 for xmas just cause its new england:shrug:
It's only rain and wind here. So far, it's only snowed once and that was about 2 weeks ago.

That said, I'm jealous and want to make snowmen. Calvin and Hobbes style.
I cleaned out the Maxima several hours ago. Haven't done the SVT. Maybe tomorrow... lazy ....

Good luck chiselling it out of the ice, lazybutt. ;)

that might have beena good idea. we had snow here then rain, so when I cleared the car off if was coated in ice and it was easy to get off the car because of the snow. I hate to see what happened since it started raining and the temp has dropped again.
That was actually my line of thinking too. Tomorrow morning I'll have to chisel the Maxima out, but the SVT should just have a layer of crispy snow over a layer of regular snow.
that sucks but then again now you have more time to study if needed

No, my exams are super easy this semester... None of them are cumulative... They are basically just another test only worth a larger percent of your grade... I do not study much at all either, I never have... Hey, if I get a 100 on my accounting (my major) exam I will get a 100 in the class :laugh:
scraping the ice off the cars sucked this morning!
and my driveway is more of a skating rink than a driveway..
scraping the ice off the cars sucked this morning!
and my driveway is more of a skating rink than a driveway..

Times like this make me want a garage even more. The Mustang is in hibernation, and sadly has 2 feet of snow/ice on it. I'm going to try to clear off the spoiler just to make sure it's not bending. Even if I cleared the beast off, it wouldn't get out of the driveway.

Our front fence has all but vanished between the snow fall and the plowing. At one point yesterday I was cleaning off the car, and stepped back, then into snow past my knees in the front yard. What fun!
thats why i can't wait to turn that stoopid apartment thing into a garage, at least jess' car will be out of the weather.
This is terrible. I had work yesterday in the morning, and it was a tough drive as no roads were plowed. So my car was all clean while I was at work, but then it started sleeting/freezing raining. It took me 15 minutes to chip off all the ice :nonono:. I just hope the snow holds off for Friday...Friday evening is my last final exam, but with a crapload of snow it COULD get pushed back until Saturday, which would suck because I'm supposed to work 8-5! Omfg they would kill me!