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Lakeside pictures


Hard-core CEG'er
May 21, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa
Well i was trying to hold off on these, but here are some pics i took over a few days at a lake. Let me know which ones you like... they are all numbered above the pic. I have about 200 pics from both days so if there is a slight problem with them i may have one that is fine lol. i'm a little pissed that i didnt have the horizon straight on alot of them. :mad:

anyways, here is one and the rest are on a seperate page that is VERY 56k unsafe. (32 - 1024 x 768 pics)


I like pic 0 the best. Good shot of the car, nice shadows, good color in the background.

The T-Red looks PHENOMENAL in pic 17. GREAT color there!

However, is that a mud-flat behind most of your pics? It's not as attractive as the smooth water of the lake. As far as a crooked horizon, that's nothing a little rotation and cropping won't fix. Good shots!



Im starting to lean towards t-red as my favorite color.... these pictures are drop dead gorgeous.
pics look great, did you think about parking the car right on the edge of the water inbetween both docks, walk out on to the dock and get a pic of the car and its reflection on the water?? just an idea.
nice pics, very professional. its suprising how the different light conditions can alter the mood of the picture.
have you tried them in black and white?
thanks guys! yeah the lake was alot lower than it usually is leaving that middy area behind most of the pics. the pics on the top of that page are from the first day and the ones with the blue sky & clouds are from the 2nd day. I'm sure i'll be going back again this week since the color of the trees makes it a perfect background for pics. I'll try the water reflection shot from the docks when i go back.

I love how T-Red looks different shades of red in different lighting conditions.

As for the B&W, I'm posting from math class right now but when i get back to my dorm (5:30 ish) i'll try out some B&W editing.
thanks again... looks like i wont be taking more pics this week because of the rain... hopefully i'll be getting some more pics this weekend in pittsburgh.
Ryan, you took some great shots. Your SVT is looking mighty fine. :drool:
I like the different shades of red with the different lighting conditions also. :cool:
Nice job!!