• Welcome to the Contour Enthusiasts Group, the best resource for the Ford Contour and Mercury Mystique.

    You can register to join the community.

PLEASE READ: CEG Announcement & Changes



Greatest CEG change EVER!!
wow ... one of the quickest responses to a request I've seen on here. Keep it coming!

(Though I'm not too happy with the change .. heh .. I like the 10ch rule, it kept the stupid posts down ...)
Lance, you did a great job at setting up and running what is the best contour forum out there, without these boards i wouldn't have all these great connections and friends...or enemies hahaha

Mark, have fun with it....any way to get rid of the 10 image limit?
wow ... one of the quickest responses to a request I've seen on here. Keep it coming!

(Though I'm not too happy with the change .. heh .. I like the 10ch rule, it kept the stupid posts down ...)

not really most people just did the ol'

"ten 34058340895y0u303459"

Thank you +++++

Thank you +++++

Lance thank you so much for creating this site. I am incredibly grateful for this site. And thank you Mark for keeping this going.

I have really enjoyed CEG over the years.
without this site idk what i would do it would be a crapshoot to figure out what to do with the svt let alone last year this site helped greatly with fixing my zetec mystique
Thanks Lance for all the hard work put into keeping CEG up and running perfectly. Especially since I didnt get my car till about 5 months ago.....

Congrats to Mark on being the big guy now

Im here to the very end and even then Ill step up to keep this sucker going....:rolleyes:

- Amyn