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This look familiar?

car has been there for a while last time i saw it the guy at that lot had it all apart car has major electrical issues it is a POS
car has been there for a while last time i saw it the guy at that lot had it all apart car has major electrical issues it is a POS

Damnit all, Look what it used to be

Confirmed POS

Confirmed POS

Confirmed POS. bagged went to look at it this morning and said there were a bunch of things wrong with it. missing side skirt, missing jack point cover, missing mesh in both front grills, broken windshield, blah, blah, blah...
that sucks, that someone just up and beat the hell out of that car and didnt take care of it. Seems like it looked really nice awhile ago
black svt is almost mint again...

bagged is getting asking price on car, will post later.
$3000.00:eek:, bagged said the guy at the dealership didn't know anything about the car. Confirmed super charger removed from the car, also the dealer didn't even realize the side skirt was missing!
$3000.00:eek:, bagged said the guy at the dealership didn't know anything about the car. Confirmed super charger removed from the car, also the dealer didn't even realize the side skirt was missing!

I would give them a grand for it with all of the stuff thats horribly wrong with it.
i would give him 300 for it. paint is destroyed something seriously wrong with rear suspension so on so forth and the guy is a totall idiot
i would give him 300 for it. paint is destroyed something seriously wrong with rear suspension so on so forth and the guy is a totall idiot

I hate it when people dont take care of their cars. Seriously, you pay a hell of a lot of money for something you trust to safely get you from A to B, and people dont care to take care of that car. I knew someone who had a dodge spirit, the rear wheel hub was on its last leg, and no matter how many times I told them to take care of it, they would reply with "It still drives, im not worried about it" Its like GOD! that wheel is going to FALL OFF and the car is going to get you injured or even killed.
That car has some history around here for sure as it was the first CSVT to be S/C'd (well, around here) and one of the first ones to be modded that way as far as paint goes. To be honest though, inperson, the paint didnt' look as good as you might be led to believe in the pics. I remember when Tim, the original owner of "Agent Orange" had that wild paint done and then brought it out to meets, it just didn't look that well done. Then Shawn bought the car and some plans for it but never really followed through with them and eventually got rid of it for a black FSVT. He's never going to get $3K out it:shocked:
talked to this idiot again today ill prob be picking this car up this weekend