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DTE Energy Music Theater


Addicted CEG'er
Oct 13, 2003
I am going to be in Clarkston tomorrow evening for the Incubus Concert. Is anybody else going?
Umm no! some of us have jobs and arn't emo and listen to My life sucks I'm gonna kill myself music
Umm no! some of us have jobs and arn't emo and listen to My life sucks I'm gonna kill myself music

They do many different styles of music, each song has its own tonality and mood. Which is why I love them, I know that one or two of their songs are depressing. But what band hasnt written a depressing song? And I do in fact have two jobs, and I dont work on fridays, and the concert is later in the evening on thursday so I have plenty of time to get out of work, change, pick up my friend and head down state. But still pull 40+ hours a week. So this is my payoff.
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The fact that you are a dude and just stated that you LOVE a dude band is just creapy on all sorts of levels.

Incubus = HOMO EMO arrrrrrrrrrrrr matey butt pirates

needs more non emo group like

Fall out boy
i hope it wasn't one of our guys, but did anyone else see the mystique w/ the giant ricer wing on it last night? he was parked a row down from me on the hill.
Im about to get flamed by steeda for this.

Since when has Fall Out Boy not been emo? Although he didn't deny that they are "HOMO...arrrrrrrrrrrrr matey butt pirates". Thats a good start i guess
Def not Emo. They sign about sugar going down and Dancing and soemthing about a God damn arms race. NO NO sir not emo
lmao.... you silly *****es aren't getting steeda messing with you.

as for incubus... i wouldn't consider them emo, though they do suck anymore. they need to stop smoking so much weed and stop singing about politics.
i hate the stupid classification of emo. look back at all your favorite bands, how many of them sing about emotions to even slightly up-beat music? they're a rock group just the same as aerosmith, with a lot of different kinds of songs. led, pearl, def, kiss... how many had a few songs about a girl, a broken heart, how much they loved someone, etc.?
the emo classification is just something that came around because all these high-and-mighties didn't want to be listening to the same music as the kids in high school wearing the makeup or the guaged ear lobes or whatever else, so they called it somethign else, started trash talking it, throwing it on every band those supposedly depressed and lonely souls listen to. it's stupid...
it's music: if you enjoy it, listen to it; if not, leave it alone.
there's rock, country, pop, jazz, classical and theatrical. any further classification is just someone's way of coping with something.

and for the record, incubus has been around since before "emo" came about.

edit: and yea, not taking steeda seriously. just fanning my opinion on calling something emo.
i hate the stupid classification of emo. look back at all your favorite bands, how many of them sing about emotions to even slightly up-beat music? they're a rock group just the same as aerosmith, with a lot of different kinds of songs. led, pearl, def, kiss... how many had a few songs about a girl, a broken heart, how much they loved someone, etc.?
the emo classification is just something that came around because all these high-and-mighties didn't want to be listening to the same music as the kids in high school wearing the makeup or the guaged ear lobes or whatever else, so they called it somethign else, started trash talking it, throwing it on every band those supposedly depressed and lonely souls listen to. it's stupid...
and for the record, incubus has been around since before "emo" came about...

I don't exactly remember when incubus came about, but as for emo its birth, per say, was in the late 80's with the band "Rites Of Spring". It just didn't become popular and hit mainstream until recently. Also emo stands for Emotional Hardcore. When it first came about it sounded exactly like punk the only difference was the lyrics reflected those for feelings and emotion, not politics. The problem now is that the word emo has be over generalized to mean just about anything you want it to, not its original and musically punk meaning.

...it's music: if you enjoy it, listen to it; if not, leave it alone.
there's rock, country, pop, jazz, classical and theatrical...

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lmao.... you silly *****es aren't getting steeda messing with you.

s**t... guess you never know anymore. Those Fall Out Boy douchebottles have infiltrated and poisoned many a mind. I suppose I thought Steeda was the latest victim of their black eyeliner and "why doesn't that girl from homeroom love me????" musical hex. :D
Also emo stands for Emotional Hardcore. When it first came about it sounded exactly like punk the only difference was the lyrics reflected those for feelings and emotion, not politics. The problem now is that the word emo has be over generalized to mean just about anything you want it to, not its original and musically punk meaning.

the crappy driving teenager is correct. real "emo" has it's roots in punk. the likes of dashboard confessional and others have ruined it.