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if you want these made you are going to have to work for them. send emails. there are a lot of people complaining in this thread and no action. this seems to be a trait of cegers.

i loved the morettes on the mondeo so i took action and got the lights prototyped. i hosted the president of morette, his lead designer, both from france, and harold the president of morette usa.

stop *****ing and start typing.
Many e-mails have been sent over the many many many months by numerous ppl on here and most have not even been replied to. Also people have even spoke to the company at Sema. Apparently it's not a matter of how many e-mails they receive b/c if that was the case these would be out by now. It is up to no one but Morette as if these will be released or not. CEG has done above and beyond to show interest and prod this company along and yet here we are still waiting. This wait is killing the interest and I'm sure Morette realizes this but yet they are in no rush to get the final product out. This company needs to either produce results or quit suggesting "they might come out" or "there is a 50/50 chance they will come out". The baby feeding is over as far as I'm concerned. It is well past the time for Morette to sh** or get off the pot.

end rant
wow more complaining. who would have guessed. in the time you spent *****ing you could have fired off another one of your numerous emails. if they havent said that "it isnt going to happen" then keep on them.
Not wasting my time sending another e-mail but thanks for the suggestion chief. I will be more then happy w/ my projector retrofit and I think it owns the Morettes in the looks department anyway. The prodding that I have done was more for the benefit of other CEG'rs not mine. If it was for my benefit I wouldn't have spent almost 1k on retrofitting goods a long time ago :shrug:.
well, good for you chief. why exactly are you in here complaining about a product you dont intend to buy? thanks for your all of your blood, sweat, and tears that you have shead for the good of other cegers. your tireless efforts will be greatly appreciated by the contour community. give me a **** break. *****.
I did intend to buy until I decided on my retro b/c the wait was/is rediculous. Complaining? How many years has this been now :laugh:. The complaining was over a year ago. I'm just stating facts. You make me :laugh:
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Not wasting my time sending another e-mail but thanks for the suggestion chief. I will be more then happy w/ my projector retrofit and I think it owns the Morettes in the looks department anyway. The prodding that I have done was more for the benefit of other CEG'rs not mine. If it was for my benefit I wouldn't have spent almost 1k on retrofitting goods a long time ago :shrug:.

You over paid by about..... 700 :laugh:

Retrofitted morettes would be the tits... I wish Mikey didnt hate me when those prototypes went up for sale :cool:
You over paid by about..... 700 :laugh:

Retrofitted morettes would be the tits... I wish Mikey didnt hate me when those prototypes went up for sale :cool:


I'd like to personally thank M!key for all his work on obtaining them and allowing me to purchase them as they do look fantastic on my car. :)

Unfortunately now they have made me paranoid though as I'm constantly afraid somehow they will be damaged or stolen at all times. As much as I hate to admit it I purposely did not attend SZ with them installed at the time for fear of either scenerio happening.

I see them as being 100% irreplaceble (is that a word?)
Stupidest thing I have ever heard Crispy. NOT a single person will mess with/Steal anything from another persons car at SZ. Well atleast not a CEG'r.
yeah cause someone can get away with that .im sure word would get around quickly of someone else having morretes:rolleyes:
I lurk and lurk and lurk, waiting to see a post that says "OMFG, They are here!", but nothing. Honestly, in my mind I have given up on these about 10 months ago, but deep down, I still wish. Unfortunately, the car is almost 8 years out of production, so reality has to set in.

- 2 cents.
wow more complaining. who would have guessed. in the time you spent *****ing you could have fired off another one of your numerous emails. if they havent said that "it isnt going to happen" then keep on them.
Until they clearly state that they will not be producing these, I will continue to send them monthly nagging emails as well as post in this thread. Just because no one is cc'ing you on their emails, does not mean no one is emailing them.
Stupidest thing I have ever heard Crispy. NOT a single person will mess with/Steal anything from another persons car at SZ. Well atleast not a CEG'r.


How many people that have posted here have actually E-mailed Morrette???
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lets all just take a drive up there and demand some action...(kidding of course.... :idea:)
Yeah, i've also come to terms with never seeing these things for sale... Its too bad i'd love to have'm. But then again so would 80% of CEG so it'd be kind of a downer for everyone to have the same Headlights.
ha I love how they have all these pics and the "coming soon" section which features the contour lights. What a joke.