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Prom date bailed on me

P.S. Is this the same girl that was on your phone? :eek:

hahaha, nope. i forgot that i showed you that pic!

but anyways, i got a new prom date. this one is a definite. classic myspace picture...


went from a preppy girl to a girl that listens to death metal :)
ughh...whyy..why do people insist on taking self photos like that on myspace???

Anyway, I say that's a nice upgrade!!

Death Metal FTW!!

Sexy sexy. :drool: :drool:

I could of hooked you up with some chick for prom. Actually 3 chicks. Worked for my little bro when his prom date bailed on him. Now he went to his and her prom, and is prolly bangin her now. Let me know if things change. :laugh:
the first girl that left you kinda looks like a man. She remeinds me of Dane Cook. Photoshop anyone!
yeah dude, the chick that bailed is a slut, ( i know cuz i did her)
and the new chick....3 thumbs up!
oh yeah, and the new chick..she takes it in the pewper (i know cuz i did it)

Fine, be that way... :cool: Just was going to get her off your back for you if she turned out to be some crazy stalker or something :D
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