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And the Curse Strikes Again


Veteran CEG'er
Feb 9, 2006
Indiana, PA
So if it wasn't bad enough that I still haven't gotten the car into the body shop to get fixed from the hit & run because of the crappy weather PA has, and the curse continues!! Guess what needs a new alternator, oh yeah....MY #@$%ing SVT!!!!!!:mad: The last few days the batt light has been coming on and off at random and just the other day it would come on constantly at anything over 2500rpm's. Now before I get flamed, yes I was stupid and didn't read the post about getting a Motorcraft alt and not the rebuild ones that the auto parts stores sell. My mistake, at the time I was frustrated and just wanted the car back on the road. On top of that my sunroof won't close, which is just the fuse cause everything else is working (windows, locks, radio). Not a hard fix it's just the fact that it's one more thing wrong. Due to all my bad luck I have made my mind up.....the car will be up for sale with in the next few weeks, once everything is fixed of course. Ryan tried very hard to reason with me the other day, but I'm sorry buddy.....it's getting sold. Plus I'm moving to Philly soon and I don't want the car getting trashed out there. Too many @sshole drivers out there for a nice car. The way it's looking I'm more then likely, and I hate to say it, just buy a Honda and beat on it for the time being, or maybe a Trans Am...:p What do you think Ryan??? Whatever I do end up with I will still troll around the boards and at the meets.

PS-Ryan LOVES Trans Am's so be sure to show him every link and pic you can of nice T/A's!! LOL. Just bustin your balls buddy.
After messing with these damn MSDS's for so long, I may agree with you. I just want my damn car out of my garage. I've spent the last two days in teh garage for 8 hour total to undo a grand total of three bolts. I'm really at teh point where I don't even like my car anymore, so I understand where you're coming from. Only two bolts left, and I don't have any desire at all to go finish it. :shrug: :help:
Not again!!?? :cry:

I'm telling you.....salt.


Getsum-- I used gear wrenches it made this a lot easier, I did do mine on a lift though so my arms got extremely tired.. the hardest one for me was on the front side near the radiator closest to the serpentine belt setup

Good luck with it Getsum

Good luck with the alternator 1Bad since my alternator is 8yrs old now I may be dealing with that so going to have to do a search I guess.
Damn... i figured it was coming but that still sucks man. And you make it sound like Trans Ams are my most hated car ever. lol. I dont hate them, i just dont like them.
Well the SVT is back and running. Next stop.....the body shop!!! After that....someone elses hands. (Hopefully to a CEG'er that will appriciate the car).
what are you going to try and get for the car? how many miles?

I have 92,000 on it now and I'm going to ask somewhere between $5000-$4500 once everything is said and done and it is back in good condition.

Why you looking to buy another Contour? You know you want my SVT!!
everyone would want your svt if they saw it. i want it, but i still am fixing mine...... very nice car rob, just wish you wouldnt sell it.
just pm when you know for sure what you want and i will see if i can get a loan out. can't promise anything but i will try.. you going to toss in the gauge pod for me also? :) i gotta have them since i got them in the kristens now.
everyone would want your svt if they saw it. i want it, but i still am fixing mine...... very nice car rob, just wish you wouldnt sell it.

Thanks Grant I appriciate the kind comments, but unfortunately it's time to move on. Maybe some day I'll get another one. Good luck with your car, hope to see it on the road soon.

Mike you have a PM. Get at me when you know more.