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Farewell CEG......HELP ME!


Hard-core CEG'er
Oct 12, 2006
Up North New Jersey
Well not really....But I just got my Black 99 CSVT, what 2 weeks ago, less? Being that I have 11 pnts on my license and I like speed, hmmmm wut does this stupid arab(me) do. Lets test the car out on the NJ Turnpike. Whoop Whoop. Guess whos behind me, Polizei! The PO said tonight i was his TOP record clocking in @ 132 MPH. Can You say over dbl the speed limit. So I get a beautiful Handful of Tickets. 130+ MPH, Wreckless, and Improper passing. can you say just those 3 tickets are gonna land me about 20 pnts extra on my license. I have no clue what to do?? Lawyer is really just gonna get paid and not do ****. Im ****ed i cant drive my CSVT and since im an ******* that dsnt learn my lesson, Im still gonna drive cause i need to get to and from work/school. I just got this beautiful ass CSVT and i cant DRIVE IT! HELP HELP HELP! Anyboyd know any legal things i can do to somehow stop me from gettin rolled when i go to court in about a month. Im definately going to take a defensive driving course but thats only good for a 2 pnt deduction. Well w/e if anybody is in the legal field and has advice for my stupid ass. Help me out! THANKS GUYS! by the way if i do get suspended the money saved up for gas is going to make a lot of money going into the car for a year or so so watch out for me when the car does come out. :nonono:
Stop driving the way you are. Yes, your license will be suspended, especially since you already had 11 points. 11 points, that is not an easy feat to accomplish. Even with all of my speeding tickets, the highest I had was 8.

Good luck and grow up.
132MPH that's it :shocked:, geez you could have at least topped the car out:laugh: . Good luck with your insurance and court :).

Nah, go for a 1969 VW bus. I can testify that you'll never break 50 mph. :laugh:

HAHA!!!! I was JUST thinking that he should get a 1974 VW Super Beetle. Those things are tanks, surprisingly. I had one for my first car, and the fastest that thing ever got up to, on a good day, was 65.

GET AN OLD V-DUB........you won't be disappointed :) lol
How about get a f*ckin brain!?! It sounds like you deserve everything coming to you in court. Learn how to drive and you won't have this problem. :idea:
You have to know when its ok to rip it up a lil, constant speeding is asking for trouble, I've had my license for three years now and the only ticket I got was a warning ticket for not wearing my seatbelt. If you always want to "feel the power" then I don't think a car with power will do as other cegr's have pointed out. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Good luck with court issues and what not :help:
Sounds like you had it coming.
11 points and still Fing off... And not just a little.

Im no saint.. 2 speeding tickets my self.
1 for 137 in a 65 (in a 91 BRONCO!) he let me go @ 83... (this was in Wisconsin)

and one for 82 in a 70 in MONTANA Yes,Montana! argh! (atleast he wasnt sitting 1 hill closer... 110+ in the rental Car)
There is nothing you can do. Sell the car cause there is no way your going to be able to legally drive it for some time after they get done with you.

Damned lucky you haven't killed yourself or someone else yet, the way you describe how you drive. Grow up and treat your license to drive like the PRIVILEGE it is.
:nonono: I got speeding tickets yes but only 2 and one for kinda chirping my tires. My first one was a 54 in a 25...yes I didn't type wrong 54 in a 25, the 2nd 65 in a 50. You shoulda gotten the car impounded right off the bat IMO. :nonono:
With my first few I did learn my lesson and with 11 points already on yours, you shoulda learned your lesson.
2 bad sh*t happens. Lol Sell that car are you kidding me? Sry its my dream car, at least by the time i get to drive it! Itll be f*in sexy as hell. And the law stop me from driving you must b insane??? i drove 2 yrs without a license/insurance and 1 year w a provisional. im still driving just not like the idiot i am and must stop for a while im going back to my corolla nd the SVT is gonna get cared for thru out the year in a nice garage.

Ne ways my lawyer already is on duty 2 remove 4 pnts currently on my license taking me down to 7.

With the correct plea bargain IF it goes my way i get 2 pnts and have 2 take a defensive driving course, but its most likely gonna b 4 pnts and a defensive driving course. This is spending a ****load of money on a lawyer to keep my SVT hell ya its the summer!!!! We will see ill keep yall posted!!:shrug:
Oh give me a break. Some people have been in and out of court. Man up n' pay the hmmmm, lets see,

132 mph speeding normally, its a what 135.00 fine. add 100 to that 235.00

No seatbelt, hmm add 125.00 cha ching.

Illegal lane switch, hmm ill say 80.00 under the circumstances.


Plus getting your licence back after suspension 200.00

Licence test fee after suspension 30.00

tag on another 230.00 = 440.00 = 670.00$

Screw the lawyer. Take a plea, no same or similar for 12 months. Plead guilty to all charges, pay the fines. get your licence suspended (possibly) maybe not) for 90 days or so. Take the bus. Wake up and realize it wasn't really "all that" to go that fast. Someday you'll wisen up and slow down, and youll know that breaking the law isn't fun. It just cost's you money $$$.