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MI drivers suck!


Hard-core CEG'er
Aug 17, 2004
waiting to get banned
I swear to god, its like life or death situations everyday. I cant understand how these people are so stupid, and how they even have their licenses? My route to work is M53 to M59, and in my 40 mile commute to work I see at least one accident a day. A couple weeks ago I got rearended, the guys excuse was, "there was some guy following to close to me." :rolleyes: Its like a warzone out here. I almost dont even want to drive my SVT to work because of the very good chance if it being rearended. I try to stay away from these situations by leaving plenty of room in front of me, but then some jackass always cuts in front of me and slams on his brakes, you cant win! Come on people!

rant off/
It's like that everywhere... so either stay inside your house all day or zip it. Nobody wants to listen to you cry.
just get a tce kit and have to worry about hitting your brakes too hard cuz the people behind you definetely cant brake fast enough


free paint job :)
I was lucky (or not) enough to get a chance to drive on M-59.

once, and never again.

I did my driver's training on M59. It wasn't the easiest thing to do, and at the time I wondered if my driving instructor had a death wish. However, it gave me the confidence to drive on multi-state trips when I was relatively young, something none of my friends would do when we were younger.

99% of Michigan drivers drive like jackasses if you ask most people. Of course, when I moved to Ohio people who rode with me accused me of driving like a jackass too. I call my driving looking out for myself. If you act all courteous, people just do stupid things like pull out in front of you and then go 15 mph in a 35 zone or cut you off and then slow down as they pass a truck.
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Even M59 is a decent road (at least by satellite) compared to some around here. Favorite part of my old commute was Rt 2 near Alewife Brook Pkwy in Arlington MA, where five lanes (four eastbound plus a busy onramp) become two and soon terminated at a stoplight. Traffic gets backed up there for miles and then you have to fight the merge. Route 2A in Cambridge is also fun.

Several times I was GIVEN this advice from drivers: Look at a spot ahead, and drive to it, ignoring everyone around you. Maybe you can try that Monday on your commute? :shrug:
Several times I was GIVEN this advice from drivers: Look at a spot ahead, and drive to it, ignoring everyone around you.
OMG! :mad: :nonono:
People who do that get what's coming to them.
Too bad it means they gotta collide with other drives while they're doing it.
No wonder your insurance rates suck.
heh yes. $2,333.00/yr with a clean record! :mad:

I'm tempted to detour to M59 on the way to Grand Rapids ... get a good taste of the conditions and potholes you guys always complain about.
59 is a pretty smooth road for the most part, and if you are looking for the full effect hit it between 6 and 8am or 3 and 6pm. Its not the worse road, thats for sure.